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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Bunch of homos talking about crossfit... Come to the dark side where we don't eat a paleo diet.
  2. http://fortheloveofcookies.wordpress.com/category/crossfit-2/
  3. Can't have this thread go any further without this gif. http://cdn.styleforum.net/2/2f/2f8f2271_crossfit.gif
  4. You don't have the cult outlook on it then. These are the people that piss me off, the "crossfit is god and all other forms of working out are below us."
  5. There will always be a long standing hate between bb/pl and crossfit. We have 2 different philosophies on training and they way a muscle works during the movement. Now to say i hate people who enjoy it? No by all means if thats what gets you off the couch and into a gym then go for it.
  6. Can't hack what? A crossfit workout? Yes, i've been through them at new albany, i used to workout with keith simon before he left urban active. Try again. Jimmies are not rustled my friend, just can't stand crossfit and what it promotes.
  7. IMHO jumping into a crossfit atmopshere will set you back when it comes to ROM and proper technique.
  8. Pre-workout varies by the month. Currently im using No-pumped by abb, if you need a lot of energy pick up hyde it will make you not want to stop working out... or die whichever comes first. Lunch usually consists of 2 chicken breasts, broccoli and a sweet potato. This is my pre workout meal. I typically drink 1/2 of my pre workout drink on the way to the gym and sip on the rest throughout my workout.
  9. Awe, this is what i would expect from a crossfitter.
  10. Doesn't matter, the bar will flex and by the time the weight is off the ground because of how its spread out all you need to do is throw your hips in it and lock out.
  11. Oh look a bunch of people lifting with bumper weights claiming numbers. :dumb:
  12. It's in the water, am i right?
  13. The heads are good people, the woman races barrel horses with them.
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