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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Yes, but to say he's a loser is laughable. Some people don't have the self esteem to approach any girl. I'm also assuming that since he did go to a private school that college life was most likely hard to adapt to at first. Do you own 2 lambos and various other cars? no Id say he's still winning.
  2. http://i.istockimg.com/file_thumbview_approve/7885994/2/stock-photo-7885994-ironing-board-and-iron.jpg
  3. what do you mean, how it was funded?
  4. It became personal when you came in here and tried to belittle everyone in this thread with your wealth of knowledge. Alot of these people are pretty spot on. No one person is the same our bodies react differently to certain things. I burn through fat, but carbs will put weight on me in a heart beat. Other people burn through carbs but blow up on a high fat diet. What works for you will not work for the next person. If you have something to offer or feel differently about another theory please post it up. That's what this thread was about, your opinion on the PALEO diet.
  5. You are absolutely correct, carbs are essential when it comes to weight training of any sort. Glucose plays a major role in not only feeding the muscle but also recovery.
  6. No, i do this everyday all day long. This is my job, to help people achieve their weightloss goals. I don't care what you know. I understand you lost weight but i also understand how easy it is to manipulate very minor changes to your intake with out any increased exercise. What i was saying is, once you get to a certain point it becomes a lot harder to lose the pounds than just diet change. When you can train a bodybuilder to sub 5% bf levels then you can talk down to me, untill then keep on with what your doing. If you feel you know more go ahead, talk to me about water, sodium and potassium manipulation and how it affects normal body functions and how you can manipulate it to give the illusion of striations.
  7. Yup, i know nothing lol.... :dumb: edit: i know more about diet/nutrition and working out than you could ever fathom.
  8. BRB cutting carbs @ 4pm, increasing cardio from none to 1 15min session 5 days per week and will be sub 10% bf by june lol Have fun guise!
  9. :dumb: Its easy to lose weight ass a fat ass, cut cals and boom. Let me know how the next 50lbs goes. LOL
  10. Grab a video camera and call the cops.
  11. That truck is bad ass.
  12. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/306690_196248303828339_100003295120590_321310_850375248_n.jpg
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