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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. Have fun adjusting valves every 3 rides. Also where did you purchase this from? Theres a few things you need to look out for.
  3. That civic is winning in the ram air contest.
  4. First dear this year was around 60lbs of meat. Field dressed at just under 170.
  5. ya, buy the tag and pay for the processing and ill shoot you a deer.
  6. My old bed room in my parents house was haunted. They didnt beleive me for the longest time, i was able to describe what my grandma was buried in down to her necklace and earings. Mind you i have never seen a picture or anything. Fast foreward to my nephew who stayed in that room. He cannot and refuses to sleep in that room. He came downstairs one day, grabbed my sister walked her upstairs pointed into the air and said "mom, who is that guy right there?" If you have never experienced anything like this, i would suggest staying away from it.
  7. someone caption this please... lol http://happyhourvalley.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/972-102608psuriot_3standaloneprod_affiliate42.jpg
  8. mean while at penn state..... http://media.katu.com/images/111010_penn-state-riot405.jpg http://cannabishempsativa.tripod.com/riot2.jpg http://isportsweb.com/wp-content/uploads//2011/11/riot.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_V_l_TWaw6UU/SsIHGUxsESI/AAAAAAAAABY/whFlZ-MM2fA/s320/riot.jpg http://static8.businessinsider.com/image/4ebb4e80ecad04df50000006/students-in-streets-at-penn-state-after-paterno-fired.jpg
  9. not bad? All lifts were done to competition standards. Bench paused, deadlift was fully locked. All lifts were held at lock out, controlled and moved parallel. Where do you train?
  10. ok now do all that without the added gear... :dumb: Why does it keep me from competing in full PL meets? Oh idk, because my hips are rotated out? I have done several push/pull meets. All the greatest records have been set at personal meets. I have a buddy going for the 308 squat record... where will it be held? At his own meet, who is judging it? his buddy. I did: 415 raw in highschool bench pulled 585 in highschool raw squated 490 in highschool raw with a belt. I have benched 503 raw without a shirt, full rom. i have pulled 675 raw i cannot squat heavy anymore due to my hips. SUCK ON THAT! PS: i did all of this by the time i was 21 and under 200lbs :fuckyeah:
  11. Thats because injury has kept me out of competing the last 6 years. I would be willing to bet im stronger than you in everything but squats. I moved more weight before i graduated Highschool than you have. I never got big into competing due to one being able to call a buddy up and say if you scratch my back ill scratch your back ordeal.
  12. Thats ok, i took a year off and i am 1 month into lifting again. Im sure he will beat me.... :gabe:
  13. :dumb: lb for lb?? :fuckyeah:
  14. At one point it was...
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