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Everything posted by 2pointslow

  1. what kind of power do these make?
  2. What laws, the law of not a single living human being around you within miles?
  3. you will more than likely have to choose between the IG and the Great dane. These breeds do not get along together and should never co-exist. I had 2 IG's and they never got along with greyhounds or great danes. Naturally both of those dogs will chase animals smaller than they. I have witnessed an IG almost killed by a grey hound that was 17months broke from the race track. Generally a dog that barks non-stop wants attention. If you give it attention it will continue to bark.
  4. http://i269.photobucket.com/albums/jj56/That_Bobbys_World/arnold_not_sure_if_serious_gif.gif
  5. looking for an hx35 or 40 let me know what you have. cash in hand
  6. Cialis/clomid and hcg with a room at the hampton inn....:fuckyeah: BOOM PROTEIN EVERYWHERE
  7. http://andywibbels.blogs.com/.a/6a00d8354f1fb569e2013485452b4d970c-pi
  8. Pretty much sums the thread up.... http://cazewok1guy.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/funny.gif?w=400&h=300
  9. :dumb: How have you never been in a fight? Its the american way.
  10. inb4 erik shows up and you are like AWWWEEEE SHIIIEEEEETTTTTT
  11. i guess i would find out what they plan on doing. Remember this is their day, so find out what they are doing and plan around that. I think a surprise with close family and friends would be a cool idea. 50 years is awesome, may they enjoy another.
  12. 3rd grade, kid kept picking on me everyday. I punched him in the face and then rubbed his face into the mud untill he apologized for picking on me.. Another one i can remember at a young age was a few older kids took my bike when i was about 8. I walked home, picked up a baseball bat as my dads grilling he sees this and asked what was doing. my repsonse " going to get my bike back." I got my bike back :fuckyeah: Lol at legal matters.
  13. I dont think that comes in aerosol can...:lolguy:
  14. lol @ you butt hurt people.... :dumb:
  15. :dumb::gabe: :fuckyeah:
  16. wow way to be original there man... :dumb:
  17. http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4011/4350772539_55ff96415a_o.jpg
  18. http://www.throng.co.nz/files/u4208/theFastAndTheFurious.jpg
  19. http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/187980_115572861853310_5281515_n.jpg
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