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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. You must have just posted at a bad time. I thought you were commenting on Phils post.
  2. If I ever sell my car I'm going to put it back to stock, sell it, then sell the mods on ls1tech. Its worth an extra 3-4k that way.
  3. I only drink my own piss
  4. In a thread like this what you posted is fuel on a fire that is not needed.
  5. Yeah.. something about the practice field at cooper. If he doesnt give an address by Thursday we are going back to Dublin. P.S. Phil will this place be packed?
  6. 9 - 12k. Seen plenty of cars like yours go for that amount on LS1 tech (could give a better estimate if I knew the miles on the body).
  7. I think the albino kid did that to you without actually touching you... going to have to start calling him powder.
  8. I thought it was the cleats hurting my feet so I gave them to you I should have kept them joints. Zone is what you run when your toe feels like its about to explode everytime you cut. With the way it looked I'm suprised I was able to finish the game. A little super glue and a bandaid and I'm good to go again. This Sunday its on...
  9. It wasnt Steves fault. When its 4th and goal from 30 yards out you can sit in the end zone and wait for it. He just kept watching the only guy on our team that had enough energy to go deep P.S. I had you on lock down before my toenail ripped off... oh yeah, I ripped off half of the toenail on my big toe halfway through the game.
  10. V8 Beast


  11. I'm not going back to Berliner until I've shaken this 5 years worth of rust off. Cats up there are full go... They should just let them wear pads and call it a night.
  12. Based on your reply I have to argue this point. The frustration indicated in your word usage is far from a display of fun. Lets say an insurance company tried to ask you if you were having fun when you wrecked. If you said yes but were having an argument via text with your girl they would not cover the accident. Not because of the mood you were in but because you were texting.
  13. *Ice *Phil *Big Steve *Duff (Paid) *brrcats *Me (Paid) Super GTP Big Cheif201 Greg Gabe armyofdarkness Jizzle Juice turboking15 *= attended practice and or payed the $60 I'll be ready to collect the money this Sunday as well. I'll put a deposit down and we will just sign the waivers on the 31st.
  14. I aint scared to crack back a kid!!! Greg its first come first serve at this point. There are a few people not responding to messages and what not. We have a set 8 that I trust to play... and based on yesterday a 15 person team would be a great idea. After playing for an hour straight I know for a fact I couldnt do that every week. We are meeting up Next Sunday at 3pm on Campus. Phil give us directions! I'll bring the teenagers again so that we can get a full game in.
  15. Damn, that didnt look that long when I typed it earlier. Cliffs... I agree with yenner but we are arguing anyway.
  16. V8 Beast


    WTF is this shit! I walked past my wife watching her dvr and I see some nasty looking, ghetto acting, walking stereotype knock over a girl with one leg to get an immunity idol clue. Not only that, the only other black person on there is named Tyrone
  17. Where did I say it was ok for him to pay it on the spot? Are you reading some imaginary text that I cant see? Based on your response I'm left wondering why you even quoted me. If you didnt feel he deserved it then I probably wasnt talking to you. All I can think of is you assumed I was talking about you and wanted to throw your point out... again. I'll say again.. He is a real person that made a mistake. Its 100% his fault but I feel sorry for him because he is a person that had something bad happen. When quoting me please make sure that you have full comprehension of what I typed. Also avoid assumptions and an overly agressive tendency to attempt to prove your point. The result will resemble the post above where you assume I was referring to you, defend yourself, and disagree with something that was never said. I would suggest taking a step back, inhaling, and thinking through the response. This will assure it is on point with what was written and doesnt make it overly easy for someone to type some long as shit like this paragraph because of just how wrong you were in assuming that I thought it was ok to pay the $75 after the fact. Allowing him to pay the $75 on the spot would result in no one paying until the fire department got there to put out the fire. Here is what I wrote... I want to be on the fire departments side but these heartless people in this thread make me want to be on his side. I do feel sorry for the guy because a mistake cost him his pets and belongings... Maybe its because I see real people when I read stories while the rest of you are desensatized to real life due to too much interwebs. Its 100% his fault but I dont get how people are acting like he deserves it. Not paying $75 is a mistake, not a justified sentence of death by the karma police. He fubar'd bad.. the end. Where did I mention your name or say its the fire dept fault? I said it was his fault repeatedly and only mentioned the $75 in reference to people acting like he deserved it... who from what you typed isnt you. And this sentence is only here to make this long post even longer for no good reason.... While this sentence was typed with a rolled up, lit on fire check of $75 for ironic purposes.
  18. Yeah, they dropped the ball if they didnt offer you the 300 share plan. Some of the people act like its a top secret plan or something.
  19. If you are gonna lose do it early...
  20. Come out today. Sports Ohio is having an open house at 4:30 if you want to bring your daughter.
  21. I'll bring my pump... my fist pump j/k I have a compressor and a pump I keep in my car. Look for the black Ford edge at the Bob Evans.
  22. With all of the idiots that text, talk, eat, do makeup, etc. no drivers test in the world will help. Making driving tests harder will just mean the people that get into accidents should have been better drivers... Auto pilot is exactly what is needed for these non attention paying assholes that are on the road. If you would have said Audi invented it Jones would have backed it 100% lol!
  23. I want to be on the fire departments side but these heartless people in this thread make me want to be on his side. I do feel sorry for the guy because a mistake cost him his pets and belongings... Maybe its because I see real people when I read stories while the rest of you are desensatized to real life due to too much interwebs. Its 100% his fault but I dont get how people are acting like he deserves it. Not paying $75 is a mistake, not a justified sentence of death by the karma police. He fubar'd bad.. the end.
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