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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. This. The only part I disagree with is banning them. They are voters so hopefully some sense will rub off on them before they pull the curtain on the booth.
  2. I secretly dressed up as him for halloween, riced out mustang and all.
  3. I liked it, exactly what I expected out of a movie about dorky super heroes.
  4. Our game is at 8pm on field one against the red hawks. We should meet at 7pm to watch the other teams and get warmed up.
  5. I am extremely disappointed in CR. There was a time when a thread like this would spark an intelligent debate. Now it just gives people a chance to show how good they are at googling reasons to hate people. You are suppose to know this stuff and prevously used it to form an opinion... not form an opinion then look for reasons aferwards. I will not vote for Obama because it will not personally benefit me. The amount I make and my age range is in an area where he will negatively impact me to positvely assist another. As a nation the man behind a suit is almost interchangable so that's why I vote for personal reasons. Presidents to me are people that look and act like they are in power but are in more ways powerless. For everything they do some will hate it and some will love it. In the end trying to please everyone has resulted in many presidents leaving America worse off than when they started. They should change the president title to scapegoat, fall guy, or my personal favorite...The Wizard of Oz.
  6. I wish I could show you my diploma as proof. I cut it up and used it as rolling papers for the weed I smoked at my graduation party sad face
  7. Bring the money Sunday. I have to be up there tomorrow at 6 if anyone wants to stop by.
  8. Buy me a white C6 and I'll test it for you to let you know if its ok... but that all depends on the possibly maybe that could might occur if never.
  9. knowing people helps but hard work and knowing how to sell yourself goes a long way... honestly selling yourself is more important than the hard work in some areas. It sucks but thats just the way it is.
  10. At this point I would usually tell you to buy a c6. I am not because c7's will be in production soon. When that happens buy one and put "3 post" on the license plates.
  11. One of these days he's going to throw a pass and his arm is going to fly off.
  12. Its not about the degree as much as it is an outside judgement of the persons character, commitment, and level of responsibility. You could have done drugs, made babies, and passed by the skin of your teeth... All an employer sees is you are able to comprehend enough to finish school, you are not a quiter, and not enough of a trouble maker to get expelled. If you look back just exactly how much did you learn in school after you turned 16? I didnt learn anything useful after that point until I went to college... but then again I went to Brookhaven
  13. Hoping for $25, but if its $90 we have back up options.
  14. The 100m dash/sprint doesnt have race in its name but its still a race.
  15. Yes, its called mute. I call people and mute them all the time to show them that I banned them in real life. Then when I see them in person I stick both of my fingers in my ears and repeatedly say la la la... lala to further cause a sick burn situation.
  16. Not really, anybody that watches a friend car get towed is a doooooooooshbaig
  17. Speed to road head ratio is better though
  18. How much? Manual or auto, any visable semen stains (I know how you vette guys are)?
  19. If you guys want to play by those rules then we need to ban everyone that street races, has a criminal record of any kind, when ever people post things that offend people, and everyone that smokes because your typing could cause me cancer. GTFOHWTBS
  20. My car breaks no matter whos driving it. At least if someone else breaks it I can blame them when my wife see's the payments for the c6
  21. I forgot about that... damn I need to update that with my new best.
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