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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://www.roninarts.de/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/0102_6167.jpeg
  2. Or in my case a kidney and a sore jaw.
  3. Or your vagina plugged (but only if you are ugly)
  4. True, true... if it was over the line I would have deleted it. I guess to clarify its just not my style of internet kickndaballzery. Something like that ends an ebattle where as I like to keep things going to entertain myself. I would have talked about him giving happy endings to pay off his student loans. Elementary.. yes, but just enough flint to possibly spark a fire.
  5. One with 3 or more offspring must agree to and successfully complete needed medical procedures to prevent the possibility of having future offspring. This applies to both male and female candidates filing for public assistance.
  6. V8 Beast

    Oh Jesus..

    I think the big issue is that people are taking it personally. If there was some kind of rub it in your face mentality when building this then I would be pissed... However, I honestly think the spot was available and they went for it. I live in a neighborhood full of Muslim people. They are quite, polite, and have very respectable children. Growing up I never thought I would be in a neighborhood where White, Black, Nigerian, Muslim, Indian, and Hispanic kids would all play together and go to the same school. I admit I was extremely predjudice for a few years after 9/11. Moving here has opened my eyes and has shown me that I was doing the same thing to them that old white ladies used to do to me. Its not right to judge an entire group like this. There are good and bad people all over the world. Dont let the acts of a group of idiots cause you to hate everyone... hate the ones that deserve it.
  7. Damn thats a little too personal... even for ebattling
  8. BC (BoostNJuice) and I worked together for 4 years. That was my homeboy. I met him when he was first hired because they gave him the same email box as me. Our first conversation started because my emails kept magically disapearing. After a few calls to tech support I finally emailed myself and said stop deleting my messages and he responded
  9. V8 Beast

    Oh Jesus..

    Fact: Trowa sees the world as a place full of rainbows and happy endings. He also voted against gay marriage... but that was only because his boyfriend was pressuring him for commitment..
  10. V8 Beast

    Oh Jesus..

    Fact: Scotts logic if found deep in a magazine and down the barrel of a rifle that is pointed at the logic of those that do not agree with him.
  11. Fact: The more you write in a post the less of a chance it has of being read. A one sentence post such as Wagers will be read by 99% of the people that open this thread. Now lets take a look at Slowbalts post... 85% of you started reading it, saw how long it was, and scrolled through the rest of that shit without even stopping... dont lie
  12. V8 Beast

    Oh Jesus..

    Shut the fuck up whitey!
  13. V8 Beast

    Oh Jesus..

    Awesome!!! After reading this thread I have found that it is in fact ok to hate all white people for what they did to me in the past. I also hate all Japanese, Mexicans, Africans, and possibly Martians (not confirmed if it was a ufo attack but it could have been so I hate them too). Sincerely, Angry Black Man.
  14. I used treats like Tim. I had a dog that loved steak. Its pricey but I only had a limited time with him so I had to bring out the big guns. I would put a little bit in there every now and then. After a couple of days he would go and sit in his crate in hopes that I would bring him steak. A few good boys, treats, and some time he finally started to go in there to sleep by himself. I'm curious to see what Ryan does. I've noticed he does modified techniques that work better than normal stuff.
  15. Do that first then come over to the car show afterwards!
  16. iPhone users are more likely to have herpes. If your girlfriend has an iPhone she has cheated on you. Probably while you were online typing about how great your iPhone is. iPhone users are trendy people that follow trends. Being gay is a current trend... Steve Jobs has personally had sex with 1billion woman giving the iphoners a huge advantage in this survey. Android users are dorks that masturbate to nerd porn downloaded on their phones. Android users are so busy trying to be like iPhone users that they forgot about sex all together at times. Blackberry users are too busy working to worry about sex. It not easy getting some when your emails refresh that fucking quick!!! Blackberry users spend the time that would have been dedicated to sex getting their track balls fixed.
  17. Since we are in the over how about Oven Mitt or Chef Gay Ass???
  18. FYI to all newbs!!! Phil will not be banned from your thread until you follow directions. This is the most incentive to follow rules that CR has ever offered its new members. If you follow the rules Phil will be kicked out!!!!!!! This offer is for a limited time only and is not valid in California or New Mexico.
  19. V8 Beast


    Ban me fuckers!!!!
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