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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. You're the guy that said he was going to have the fastest stock bottom LS1 last year right??? How'd that work out for you... Too easy...
  2. My paycheck and fast cars.... Too easy...
  3. For every bad cop there are 100+ good ones that are just trying to earn a living.
  4. Lift it up. I talked to the commanding officer of the guy at QS&L for about 10 minutes. I'm not sure if anything was accomplished but the next time we were kicked out it was by a nice cop
  5. I wasnt part of that interaction. That was my brother after he left my place. But now that I think if it there was two bad interactions. The first I was 16 and doing some dumb shit that resulted in 10 squad cars and about 12 cops pointing guns at me... good times...
  6. No argument on the internet is a waste of time!!!
  7. PR is HUGE part of their job. I do expect them to treat me like I am paying their salary until I give them a reason not to. With that being said every encounter I have had (knock on wood) has been good minus one dickhead at QS&L...
  8. Use goo-gone mixed with vinegar and a little tiny bit of vodka. Be sure not to use too much vodka or it will smell like straight alcohol. I would suggest mixing it and applying it outdoors just to be safe (so you dont mess up the floor). Soak it with the solution and let it sit for about 24 -48 hours until it dries. Once it dries apply a little bit more of the solution. After it is slightly damp set that shit on fire and buy a new one.
  9. And fetching black dildos
  10. What I'm getting at is its something that typically happens over time. Doing a burn out for 5 minutes in 3rd gear or stopping hard from 150mph (or using a torch ) can do it but most people dont drive their car that hard. For the typical driver I would have to assume manufacturer defects and cheap materials are mostly to blame.
  11. Going from a scientific stand point how much heat and or pressure would it take to alter the shape of metal? Can brakes pads and the heat caused by stopping a car produce enough heat and pressure to warp a perfectly shaped rotor?
  12. Thats part of the evaluation process when a dog is taken to a shelter. That little temper could get a dog put to sleep if it ever goes up for adoption...
  13. http://www.autopartsmanufacturing.com/productsimages/bicyclebrake_72354.jpg
  14. Not mine, but I've seen it done.
  15. Its pretty cool though. Last week he made his own dog door.
  16. V8 Beast

    New to CR

    I just smoked some of that killa shit! I'm so fucking high right now that I cant tell if this intro is real or if I'm imagining it. I hope to god that its a dream because if its real that means I just jerked off my dog...
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8i0vsMlGfQ&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCyovZEdfW4&feature=channel This was funny for the first part of it.. the end was dumb http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ehu9ksE-PsY&feature=channel
  18. Yeah, he was a temp. Zeus is the first permanent. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2010-05-17212552.jpg Great Dane Boxer mix...
  19. Phil, Spike was rehomed. Zues is the new family pet
  20. My first 10 sec pass I didnt have a cage.. but they kicked you out and not me
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