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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Thank you Jones. You are a true hero. Remember this is going towards a good cause, and for only a dollar a day you can make a difference! http://media.bigoo.ws/content/image/funny/funny_1011.jpg Say hi to Phil. Phil is from an area where people dont take gas or seatbelts for granted. Too many times he found himself walking to work or putting on a superman outfit and acting like he was flying to mask the pain. Confused and left alone he went from ford, to chevy, and ultimately ended up playing racquetball and sitting in back seats to get to tournaments.. Once a racer he now finds himself wishing he had gas or a simple seatbelt to make him feel safe as he voices car sounds from the cockpit of his immobile car. Lets donate for the Phils out there! For only a dollar a day you can keep a racer out of the back seat of a sedan driven by homosexual racquetball players... and back in the driver seat where he belongs!
  2. We fell 5 cars short on the money needed to have the track day. However knowing how much work a lot of you put into it we told them its a go... With that being said we need your help to assure we are not pulling money that we will need for the car show later on. If you are able to donate or get other cars to join please do. If you donate through paypal or sign up please post here. This way I can shut the thread down when we break even. At this point I would be happy if 100 people donated $1 a peice.... every little bit counts ya know. Use the below email addy to send donations via paypal. accounting@columbusracing.com Thank you
  3. Thanks guys! I'll call them and see if they are still renting them. Its more curiosity at this point. My next gun will be a .45 or an assault rifle... if I can fit it into the fun budget.
  4. I tried to hang myself but the knot wasnt good enough causing me to fall to the ground and cut my knee. It hurts but I deserve it for making bad knots.
  5. I'm sorry, I should have done a better job
  6. V8 Beast Im an emo that punishes myself and feels I never do as good as I should.
  7. Golly gee, I'll be reckoned if you aint right. It is ma weeener!
  8. I tried to shit in your thread but now all I have is a big turd on my keyboard making it hard to use the number keys.
  9. The $100 discount is gone (unless you havnt upgraded in the last 27 months or so). Its like $50 and $30 now.
  10. I figured they were pretty fun. I might have to find a place to rent one for a spell...
  11. You posted again.. Your bill is now up to $35.30.
  12. I only drive my car in dry warm weather so I never fill mine up. If you drive it in the winter or rain I say no. A mud puddle could have you looking like Ace Ventura...
  13. I dropped a call today. Didnt have a good grip on my phone while talking to my wife. Dropped it right down the steps.
  14. LOL @ us having the same stuff on our phones
  15. They were smuggling drugs in the mini corndogs
  16. I held one and immediately felt my testosterone levels increase by 37.4% . I would never pay that much for one... I do however wonder how fun is it to shoot?
  17. According to Paul we dont like you. Cater the track day if you want to change our minds.
  18. Unless David is on here I would suggest you talk to him about promoting and get back to us. If not this thread go bye bye... let me know. Lets meet up at bdubs = cool My company purchased bdubs, come give us your money = Free advertising = not cool (In the future act like you have no ties so no one asks for sponsor fees )
  19. We can haz discount? You can haz pays sponsor fees?
  20. I'll watch it, get crazy pumped and karate kick a kid in the parking lot after its over.
  21. The world isnt on hold, a lot of the iphone people got tired of waiting and went to different companies. Dont forgot that outside of business users iphone-ers are the trendy type. This means the second something new comes along they run over to it. These people now have droids, iphones, and nexus 1's in their drawer while they currently show off their HTC EVO at the weekly I'm cooler than I really think I am party. 7 pages
  22. Some people see it as unprofessional, some dont really care.. the sad truth is that most think its unprofessional. Do what you feel is best. If you need a job in the future they make a lot of nice long sleeve shirts to get you through that interview and training period . As long as its feminine and easy on the eye I say go for it!
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