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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Racing Friday? I added my dyno number to my sig as well...
  2. http://thegeekwithin.com/uploads/TVPictures/cory.jpg
  3. Paint it viper steel gray, get some gun metal wheels, and ball till you fall!
  4. NTHER91 and Z28Zach are paying at the gate. I'm paying when I'm at my real computer and dont forget like I have for the last month. Working on getting a few of my work friends to come out too.
  5. How long were you gone? If you have video games, flat screens, etc. that are still their your roomates could be shady. Was your safe open? In plain sight.....
  6. A few of my friends got the ipad and they are pretty cool. I wouldnt pay for them, but with the way they use them for business they are pretty bad ass.
  7. If you commit more than 2 crimes your penis will be cut off. If you are a woman your clitoris removed and vagina sewed shut. I wonder how much crime that would stop.. Or would it just make for really sexually frustrated criminals.
  8. That time of the month? Web surfing not so fresh....
  9. Life in prison = more taxes as well. I would be for that too.. but then some guy that stole 3 peices of gum is eternally living on my dime.
  10. If the government was to put up cameras in public places that saved the memory for two weeks would you be ok with that? I know a lot of you feel its an invasion of privacy, but it could come in handy. If something happens you could have video of all the cars an people in the area around the time things happen. All of these criminals would be on tape and in some instances easily convicted. Stolen cars tracked from camera to camera to their destination... criminals followed home after they rob people... What do people that are against it think the government would do with the cameras that would violate your privacy? I'm not for or against it, I'm just curious.
  11. Since he's looking for you I'm going to assume the good stuff...
  12. Sorry to hear... damn, that really sucks! Where do you live? If you can live with it stay, if not move before it eats away at you. P.S. Idiots like this dont usually strike once. Warn your neighbors so hopefully they leave with extra ventilation next time.
  13. I'd gueess about $30 less than you spend on skinny jeans, heels, and "tucking for a smooth look" classes.
  14. Almost did that last year but nobody would buy my TA. I was throwing ideas by Scotty and he reminded me of it. I found a porsche and vette donor... Oh well
  15. A good parent mixes multiple forms of discipline. You dont have to spank some kids but others you do. As long as they are being corrected, understand, and make an effort to change their ways/behavior its all good. To some kids saying you are disappointed in them is worse than cutting their legs off. Way too many people beat their kids as a way to punish them for everything. As professionals schools need to find other forms of punishment. Not to mention I would be scared of some dad saying its ok then mommy trying to sue me. P.S. By getting spanked in school you can lose that 3 hour mental torture session of knowing you are going to get your ass destroyed when you get home. My mom was called once or twice while I was at shcool.. I made sure that never happened again!
  16. Had to quote this again since it may be the last time I'm on this old set up. Captain 60' over at NTB is going to be hooking me up with some skinnies this week. Its on mustang man!
  17. Mike, what we need is an engine relocation kit. Imagine all the weight we would lose if the engine was right over the wheels.
  18. So does holding your breath but people still go to the pool.
  19. Cool.. only full time available?
  20. If you relocate it what do you need to do to avoid having to have a kill switch on the back of your car?
  21. http://blogs.suburbanchicagonews.com/sportsbeacon/Wild%20and%20Crazy%20guys.jpg
  22. Are you allowed to carry a gun?
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