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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. And thats why you never made it as a realtor
  2. Let say the value of your house drops by $30k. During the time you have lived there you have paid $15k towards principal. What happens with the $15k difference after the home is sold?
  3. V8 Beast

    Sat 4/3

    Buy a modded ta with 30k miles for $16k?
  4. Stop with the Rob vs IPS bs. If he tears it down and the cause has nothing to do with IPS you're going to look like an ass. Stop pointing fingers until you know 100% whats going on. P.S. Get that cam the hell out of there. If you need 1 I plan on restocking my inventory soon.
  5. You dont have to welcome every new person (Look at your post history). One more canned welcome and I'm changing your name to Creepy Walmart Greeter Guy
  6. OP, if you are going to post it here for a friend give us a price in your post please.
  7. I've always wanted a vr4.. welcome
  8. You're going down! I'm dropping 1000 pounds from my car so I can beat you na with a stock motor!
  9. Funny you mentioned dway 42. I remember when I took my envoy up there when the ta was down. We loaded it up, bonded, had fun... good times. Wish you could have been there. Do me a favor when you do show up to all of these track days in the future... Do it before the last 30 minutes. At that point all thats left is a hotlapping Paul and people racing their tow trucks. P.S. I know when you show up because you always pay in cash
  10. Funny, I can name plenty where you never showed (I still have the excel spreadsheets with your name missing from the list ). He took my car to one meet in the 8 years I've owned it while I was recovering.
  11. V8 Beast


    I still hope the lawsuit gets the money back to those that had to eat huge charges for tiny mistakes. I only overdraft when I grab the wrong card by mistake once or twice a year so I dont have to worry about it. For people that dont have a savings to fall back on I would suggest being very picky with the bank they choose.
  12. V8 Beast


    I cant say they have ever benn bad to me in the 7 years we have had them. After reading further pretty much all banks do that so I reopened the account.
  13. Was it unlocked when you dyno'd? I thought it read that it was locked on the pull.
  14. You're right, its about 20 or more off which is causing the concern. I just hope its not a lower engine issue.
  15. No need for a public pissing match. I looked at my old dyno sheets and that torque number does seem off a bit... Keep us updated.
  16. V8 Beast


    I <3 u 2.. more homo than I care to mention
  17. V8 Beast


    You can tell you're in customer service mode
  18. V8 Beast


    Yup, I'm going to tell them to reject my stuff. I have way too many sources of money to be charged for a mistake when the funds are available elsewhere. I usually have 2 overdrafts a year and its always my wife using the wrong bank card. Just because its in the terms and conditions doesnt make it right. I've seen a lot off things removed from terms and conditions over my time. Another thing I saw that Chase is changing is the order in which they are charged. Why are they changing it from highest to lowest to the order it came in if its right(if I read that right)? I figure they wanted to get a head start on changing things before they are forced to.
  19. Its not my fault you always show up 4 hours into the meet Mr 3rd shift I need my sleep
  20. V8 Beast


    The lawsuit will take care of this. I dont see it happening for much longer, plus from what I've seen Chase has already made some changes. Yes you have to opt in, but its better than being forced into overdraft protection (yes I'm that one guy that actually reads the things that come in the mail )
  21. V8 Beast


    So if someone makes 4 purchases when they have the money in there and one that overdrafts it its fair to rearange them to "benefit the customer" . Yes they have to manage it better but changing the order is criminal. As a customer do they really think someone would rather have 10 overdraft fees instead of 1. Hell the fuck no. And he did get his money back after bitching for 30 minutes and having to wait a day for a sup call back. CROOKS
  22. Anyone that wears hammer pants to a food meet gets dinner on me :bangbang:
  23. V8 Beast


    He was on hold with them at work (which is why the topic came up). I hope he did get it back but either way thats shady to rearrange the transactions.
  24. V8 Beast


    I have a friend at work that overdrew his account by mistake. With the way he explained it I thought he had to be mistaken, but after reading about them online its true. He thought his direct deposit would be in there and it wasnt... his fault for not checking. He got a tv from best buy and did a lot of little transactions. The tv was the last purchase of the night. Huntington rearranged the purchases from highest to lowest and charged him overdraft fees. Over $200 in fees when it should have been one fee for the tv. How in the hell can this be legal? Dont they have to process them in the order they come in? All I know is once I confirmed this I sent my wife to the branch to close our rainy day account. Im not letting a bunch of crooks hold my money. I have my trouble with Chase at times but at least I can own what happens. I even saw that Huntington charges for pending transactions. Do they need money so bad that they steal it from hard working people? I hope the law suit hurts them royally and forces them to pay everyone back.
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