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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Thats what I thought at first too... look at it again. The vette was already angled towards the wall before the GT2 hit the brakes. For the vette to be headed at such a sharp angle it appears the Porsche bumped its rear as it was getting passed causing the vette to make a b-line for the wall. Just watched it again, the gt2 definitely bumped his rear qaurter and helped him get squirley. Thats the kind of stuff I do to Paul on Forza
  2. Its ok to be armed... its not ok to be stupid.
  3. Forget a range.. lets just go out east they wont know the difference anyway.
  4. DAYUMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks for all the offers. I will set something up in February for us all to go shoot each others guns Damn Scott, I should have called you. I wasnt thinking... I even mentioned you in this thread ughhh!
  6. Good point. One time I typed up a very well planned out thread only to hit a pothole and delete it all by mistake. BTW, eating and driving is just plain dangerous. I'm shocked that you would come on here and admit you do that. Not only that... you dip while driving too.
  7. Why do people look at you funny when they see you have a laptop? If you can text and drive why cant I surf the web and drive?!? As I was about to respond to a thread some cop pulled me over telling me that it wasnt safe. I told him he was violating my 17th amendment and demanded he leave me alone. If I were a white guy with a laptop I bet he wouldnt have pulled me over. People driving like idiots in the snow and he pulls me over because I'm posting on CR!! I could see if this was last week when I went to a porn site and was jerking off while taking my mother in law home.... But no its when I have pants on being a law abiding citizen. /rant
  8. Thats kind of cool how they merged all the faces together. We the black deligation nominate Alecia Keys http://urie.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/alicia-keys.jpg ...Fo shizzle
  9. Only if I can camp in your shower
  10. We'll have to set up a CR meet some day.
  11. I know. Scott and I had a nice talk about them... Thinking I dont want an AR15, but I want to fire a few to see. After I get done accessorizing it will be probably be $1300.
  12. Good point.. I NEEDZ YOUR GUNS!!!
  13. I think I'm going to head over to NASR around 6... Are they kid friendly? My son wants to go.
  14. Yeah, but paying $200 before buying a $1300 weapon seems like a good plan to me.
  16. What ranges rent assult rifles? I want to test a few out before I get into the AR game.
  17. Bring it to my house. I have a full bottle of fluid and I'm bored! Just had the same issue with the edge. Checked the entire line and found the nozzle broke off. Had to install a universal nozzle until Ford gets some stockers in for me to pick up.
  18. I think what he is saying is when you are forced to do your hobby (as a job) it can lose the fun. Its fun to be an artist... but when you have to sit in front of paintings for hours with no choice to stop or do other things it can lose its appeal. Depending on the hobby I agree that you should try to stay away from hobbies as careers unless you are your own boss. Now at the same time getting a job you like is good to prevent stress(if you make enough to be comfortable). Its a matter of finding what you can enjoy if possible or tolerate to put food on the table. People change so what you enjoy now you may not enjoy in 5 years. Thats why its a good idea to plan a career wisely. Doing what you like could backfire as you grow and mature. Doing what makes money may cause work stress but makes life easier. The long winded point I am making is there is no right answer... its all relative.
  19. Doesnt make a difference. The map you have in your sig covers more area than they do. It'lll be 5 years before they can support the phones the way they want to. It will be faster than T-mobile and verizon when they are done though.
  20. Hey Hilliard/Galloway people... any parking lots we can go play in?
  21. You are my hero.. and everything I would like to be.. I can fly higher than an eagle...
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