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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. If a cop thinks he'll be guilty of profiling dont you think that will weigh in his decision making? I would have to assume the same thing happens in the court system. No one feels sorry for a white guy so he gets 3 months in jail... while someone else may get a warning just because. Granted its impossible to explain all activity in our legal system but I'm sure it happens a lot.
  2. I got one for you guys... I read that black people that commited crimes in the past were more likely to go to jail. This is from not having money for representation, stereotyping, etc. Now a days a white guy is more likely to be commited than a black person. This is because people are so scared of how the courts will be perceived that they are more likley to let the black man go free. I'll have to check my sources but it makes sense. With the way people tip toe around race I am not surprised at all. A criminal is a criminal... letting them go because you dont want the system to be seen as racist or you feel sorry is down right stupid. How do you guys feel about that?
  3. I cant just read this one without replying... You could have probably made the team if you were good. I got cut from the baseball team and failed golf in gym class. I never once thought it was because I was black. I knew 5 white guys hired at the fire station in the 90's on Weber and McGuffy (the main reason why I had to post). Finally, there are millions of scholarships out there to choose from. I guess I could complain about scholarships for women only, but I have better things to do.
  4. Holy long ass name batman!! So what do you want your new shorter name to be?
  5. you would pay full retail? If that the case I can get you one. I know a few people that thought they would use it more but dont... and dont want to pay for the data package. Could get a used one for under $300 easy. Sorry for pooping in your thread Jones.
  6. Yes and yes.. I've been watching it just in case... So far so good
  7. Gotta represent lol!
  8. Lets not get into a pissing match. Everyone has a right to their own opinions. P.S. Stop with the novels!!!!!!! After 4 lines it just looks like a word puzzle to me
  9. What did you 60, and what were your numbers at half track? Cant see the vids right now.
  10. I do the same thing for the very same reasons. If I broke even I would waste the money on small bs. This way I can waste it on big bs ! My wife and I also get our bonus checks at the same time we get our tax returns... Makes for a fun little time of year for us. This year I'm remodelling my house, getting an assault rifle, new wheels and running boards for the edge, possiblly switching out the block in the TA, taking a family vacation to Florida, and putting the rest in savings.
  11. I was told I cant activate a phone that I paid for out of pocket on my business line or I would have called dibs
  12. If it ever gets a keyboard. Jones is part of the touch screen keyboard hater club.
  13. http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/4/2009/12/500x_500x_fanboy_phone.jpg
  14. 30 as well. I've never seen any hate crimes, but I've seen plenty of stupid stuff.
  15. Makes cents... thats what I get for only reading the first line .
  16. This.. words only have power when people give them power. Beer has power without the need for words
  17. Its because of how it was used. Scotty says it to me all the time and I laugh because I know him and know there is nothing behind it. Almost everytime I heard it growing up the person was being hateful. Its just a sensative word that people give power to. Its losing some of its power, but its still an ignorant word that all people should stop using.. IMO. Even though this is a racial thread using racial slurrs is still an offense on this site. Not just the n word, any racial slurr. We understand what you mean without typing it out so please follow the rules.
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