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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Its almost 4am.... After I get done with my 7th glass of egg nogg I'm gonna go screw the neighbors wife, piss in the kids stockings, burn down the christmas tree, and blame it all on Santa. Merry freakin ho ho CR.
  2. I'm hoping its something like spark plug wires, or o2's... hopefully its nothing more serious. Keep us updated.
  3. My o2's were 5 months old when they went bad. Since they were new I checked everything else but them. Then after 2 weeks of bs the check engine light finally popped on and it was an o2 code. We thought is was everything from a vacuum leak, to bad springs, to cracked plugs. The car was surging like crazy, stalling, and felt very choppy. If thats what yours is doing you may want to borrow someones o2's just too rule it out.
  4. When they are in plain clothes off the clock no one expects them to be stuck up and no fun. When they are on duty or in uniform they are expected to act a certain way. If he were smoking weed, or drunk in public I wouldnt be so quick to judge.. but he raped someone. A police officer committing one of the worst possible crimes will always bring in a lot of attention.
  5. They are and should be held to a higher standard than a civillian. Thats part of wearing the badge..
  6. http://www.adrants.com/images/box_in_a_box.jpg I heard "she" gave you that last year and you're just regifting...
  7. I'm not selling it,, but its in paper weight mode 50% of the year. I need an autox car....
  8. V8 Beast

    Ls1 Cam ?

    Thats what nitrous is for
  9. Have had my TA for over 8 years. I'm tired of it...
  10. V8 Beast

    Ls1 Cam ?

    I say it because of the number I saw for sale on LS1tech last year. The 224's for being too small and the MS3/MS4 for being too much. Its all opinion but anything above 600 I recommend a ride along.
  11. V8 Beast

    Ls1 Cam ?

    Truth. Do not get an MS3 without doing a ride along in an M6 that has one. 224/224 112 is a safe bet (like Scott said) with a good sound. 228/232 112lsa is a good compromise cam if you want a little more than the safe 224. Bigger than that you will hear and feel it so the big questions are... what do you want out of your car.. what are your planned mods.. how sensative are you to a lopey cam.
  12. V8 Beast

    caption this

    This is the coolest porta-potty ever...
  13. Its very iffy and inconsistent. My coworker was turned down for a 150k house by one bank then approved for up to $250k house by another
  14. V8 Beast

    Ls1 Cam ?

    You can have my cam for $100 if you can get someone to come take it out 228/232 .588/.595 110+1 xer lobed... Its probably more than what you want but I figured Id put it out there for after you do your investigating.
  15. O2 sensor? My car did something similar after I started spraying but I also had the check engine light on...
  16. Stop acting like you have sex and wear anything other than wife beaters
  17. In his defense he didnt know the guy was a cop...
  18. Credit scores have lost a lot of value these days. With the economy being so messed up people are more willing to approve you anyway. After that issue with my mortgage company that dropped my credit score 150 points I was able to add the Edge on while still having the envoy and stratus. Supposedly its ok to have someone thats "at risk" finance $1300 in car payments each month.
  19. Left field but I've hated Fox since they were that channel growing up that was always fuzzy. No matter how hard I tried to adjust the bunny ears it would never come in clear.
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