When you present your opinion as a fact you may eventually think your opinion is factual. When you take offense to an opinion its can be seen as a sign of weakness and/or insecurity. If you can differentiate between fact and opinion you are more likely to have a clear outlook on the topic thus offering better support and information to those involved. I have no clue why I'm typing this but your ass just read it.. I know that you read it because you just read the words before this indicating that you did in fact read it.
Its a good car if you are looking for a fun sports car. Once you start modding it try to stay below 350-375whp(unless you are a serious about modding it). What I have seen from a lot of the lsx boys is it turns into a money pit of fixing broke factory parts.. That or you run times so close to the next level that you will want it to go "just a little bit faster". Based on the 96-98 vs 02, and price I would go with the camaro. Not my favorite body style on an LS1 car, but a performer none the less. I've seen some fast cobras.... My only concern is older cars tend to have more issues, random rust spots that surface, etc.