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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Is not moon water.. its alien piss
  2. Next year is looking more and more promising with every game.
  3. I'll be there in about 30 minutes. If I leave now I'll have to bring the envoy (house full of kids)
  4. Weak sauce. I have a 550+whp car I've taken to work everyday since the envoy went over its lease miles.
  5. Pm Gearhead. he can help you but its not free.
  6. I want to see real life winter plans this year. Every year I see a bunch of posts and maybe 20% of them actually happen. What do you really plan on doing to your car in the off season? Me.. -Upgrade valve spings and rocker arms -Upgrade my wheel studs -Get some tires for my skinnies, -Put my racing stripes back on, -Change spark plugs and o2 sensors, -Upgrade my brake lines. -Have my exhaust fogged to make sure I havnt develped any leaks over the years. -I want to get my heads and manifold ported but not 100% sure on that yet. -Put one of these camshafts in I have sitting on my table before I sell them -Get the car retuned Get a used V8 SUV -Upgrade the exhaust -Upgrade the hitch -Get a better air intake -Tranny cooler -Better tires -Tune -Get 20 miles to the gallon out of it
  7. V8 Beast

    winter plans

    I'll start one for the people with 4 wheels and windows
  8. I dont work there, but if you PM me your mobile number and what options you need your phone to be able to do (ie if you absolutely have to have a bb storm with global capabilities for work) and what model of phone you would prefer I can look into it for you.. After all I have read you need a new phone, not to update that one.
  9. Thats why I keep my spare car key in a blue box burried 3 inches under the 4th stone on the left side of my house. You cant trust anyone anymore.
  10. People are walking around checking cars to see if they are unlocked and then robbing them. I spoke with a police officer that said that seems to be the crime of choice this winter. If you are the type that leaves your car unlocked, or your garage open you are at risk. They are no longer breaking in, they are conveniently stealing whats available...
  11. I leave my wife outside. No one has stole her yet...
  12. I'm game. Set it for noon now and adjust based on availability. I'll update the thread for ya.
  13. When's the game? <--- too lazy to turn on the tv and look at the guide
  14. I guess we have something in common, I saw your tampon string when you came in Coming for me... thats funny cause real thugs dont get up at 7am Stop typing online, go to work and make your little bit of daily bread But dont come home too early or you'll catch your girl on your side of the bed givin me head
  15. Sure.. bring it over. This is usually where I make a smart ass comment to Howard... however I have Supra envy and am unable to at this time.
  16. Lived here for 6 years but have never seen the place. Is it off of main street?
  17. V8 Beast

    MW2 thoughts

    I was playing until 4am last night. Giving air support for a buddy that has to make it to a destination with hundreds of people attacking is bad ass!!!!! So is the waves of enemies that come after you while you pick them off with a sniper rifle. The game is fun as hell in coop mode.
  18. Throw out a location. I can shine up the wonder turd one more time before I lower the insurance to comprehensive for the winter build.
  19. What it boils down to is the iphone is a better device, the droid is a better phone. If you love your music and want more games get an iphone. If you at some point get tired of games and will need a data phone get a droid. ATT even knows their data sucks. The "its still in its early stages of development" doesnt help the customers. Once its up and running it will be the best data network hands down... in 10 years. I hope people dont get it confused, ATT's network for phone calls is huge. Its the data network thats causing the issues. I read an article where they blame the drop calls on the iphones software saying other phones dont do that. Dont know if its true or just finger pointing, but either way I wouldnt trust it.
  20. Neighbor works there. Rocks a new beamer every 6 - 12 months.
  21. Good, its the shit.. everybody should have it! Anything that runs on one droid should run on the others. I was stuck with vz navigator before (which I hate) so this is a huge upgrade to me... and free.
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