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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Cell phone companies make people have data plans because people that didnt have them were constantly asking for credits. The "I didnt know it would make my bill $2000" argument turned into you dont have a choice. The phones have too many features that require hooking up to the internet and the average Joe has no clue how to stop it from automatically connecting. I've always wondered why people buy data phones with no intent on using it for data... I guess its so they look cool or something.
  2. iDont like missing track events iDont get that day off iDont like being stuck at work for stupid event weekends iDont get to go to the track iHate my job
  3. V8 Beast

    stress - ulcers?

    Tyler could be strept or the flu.. thats how mine usually starts off. Go to the doctor in the morning. Getting short of breath or a high fever is usually when they want you to go to the e.r. BTW, I use sucrets. When it works I know I have a little issue like nasal drainage, cold etc. When it doesnt I either have strept, tonsilitus or my acid reflux has gone crazy... Thats why I suggest seeing a doctor first thing tomorrow.
  4. Are you generally covered by insurance or do patients usually have to pay you out of pocket? I think part of the reason I throw my back out every now and then is because I just suck up the pain and never get any help. Since I'm getting older but am working out like I'm 18 a visit wouldnt hurt... Or maybe I could just dial that number in your sig and ask lol.. I'm so lazy and tired right now that I'm not even going to delete my fail. Anthony, how did you feel after The good doctor was done with you?
  5. V8 Beast

    stress - ulcers?

    I dont, the last one I saw wasnt all that great. No bed side manner, treated me like a number instead of a person... I hate that.
  6. V8 Beast

    stress - ulcers?

    Not sure, but sinus cavities hold a lot of bacteria. If you have acid reflux and the lining of your throat is already irritated it may be a possibility. Best bet would be to see an ear nose and throat specialist.
  7. V8 Beast

    stress - ulcers?

    I'm no expert but try this. Its what I do around sinus infection season to help prevent myself from getting strept. Cut back on things high in acid Stay away from spicey foods Drink more water Get more excercise to help promote a healthier body to aid in repairing yourself faster. Use a humidifier Take baths 3 times a week. Once or twice a week use bath soap like vaporub or what ever the hell it is to help with drainage Basically, clean yourself out a few times a week from head to toe and you'll be a lot happier and it will help your body deal with stress better as well.
  8. In the final stages of recovery with my back. This may be a little tmi but I couldnt even number 2 because of how bad the pain was from just trying to sit on the toilet. It took about a month but I got better without any treatment. I did a mix of ice a few times a day and heat before stretching about two weeks into it.. Before that I was in so much pain that I blocked it out of my memory. Good luck, back pain sucks monkey balls.
  9. This year is just crazy with sickness. Hope you feel better Scott.
  10. V8 Beast


    Everytime you report me a tap dancing french ventriloquist turns to viagra for self gratification. So... do you really win?
  11. V8 Beast


    Oh, you said caramel... I thought it said camel colored
  12. I know If you did you would be over hear rubbing my feet and feeding me chicken noodle soup
  13. I heart Brian... I'm still a little sick so I'll have to pass
  14. V8 Beast


    I just got a new shirt... http://rlv.zcache.com/silence_i_kill_you_tshirt-p235618873568821863san1_400.jpg
  15. I have a similar story.. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/poop.jpg
  16. I dont like android phones as a whole, but those damn apps make them addictive. I played with one for three hours last week.. the last time I did that was when they introduced ringtones over the air.
  17. V8 Beast


    He's saying she's been around for a long time so you must have a slow server if you just realized it
  18. My outlook on life... When you run from the bad things you never know when or where it may or may not show up again. I hate looking over my shoulder so I'm going to deal with it now...
  19. How was the phone when you first got it? Was it bad from the start, gradually got worse, or one day suddenly started to malfunction? Where Verizon messed up is they keep comparing everything to the iphone. Its almost like admitting defeat... constantly. Every time they mention them they are giving the iphone free advertisement. Someone like me who never used or cared about the iphone only tested one out because of all these other people talking about companies making iphone killers. Smart people make bigger and better... they dont try to match and play catch up. I can think of 10000 things one can do with a phone to make it better than the iphone but they are too busy going after a known winner rather than paving the way like the iphone did initially. I know its smart to go after what is known to work but its getting old..
  20. I dont purposely try to stay positive, I embrace the negative. The world is messed up, people are stupid, and making false positives will hurt 3 times more when reality sets in... Now if you have a false negative then I would vote time with friends and family to get out of the funk.
  21. Looks like a useful feature
  22. LOL, gay in a sexy kind of way?
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