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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: asl? You: Hi, I'm Chris Hanson Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  2. Fixed Not a street car unless I'm the one sitting in it with a fire suit on. Next time leave out the word "street car" if you want a straight answer. Specifically lay out what the car can and cannot have then ask whos the fastest. The second you say street car on any car forum this is going to happen.
  3. http://www.geekologie.com/2008/06/16/questionable-cubicle.jpg
  4. Why would it have to run on pump gas? It doesnt make a difference where you get the gas as long as you have enough to make it to your destination and get back home.
  5. My definition, If it has wheels and can be driven without you getting arrested, or endangering others lives its a street car. If your cars exhaust can make people in the other lane light headed from the fumes..... not a street car. If your car is so loud that people around you cant hear emergency vehicles... not a street car Not all cars can driven in snow, not all cars have air bags, not all cars have extra seats, not all cars have 5 star crash ratings. You dont have to have ac, a radio, or any comfort feature. A cars primary purpose is to get you from point a to point b. Even if your car stalls at every light, as long as it starts back up when the light is green its still a street car. We dont have the emissions testion like other cities so I wouldnt include cats.
  6. Being an admin here is like volunteering to drive a horizontally challenged bus...
  7. The money will be in busses after everyone loses their jobs and cars and are forced to take the COTA
  8. Shawn, you have always been a great guy and a person CR can look up to as a role model. Your subtle humor and knowledge makes you a definite asset to the forum. Happy birthday Shawn... happy birthday.
  9. Happy birthday Rob. Sorry I couldnt make it out today, I was too busy being awesome.
  10. I'm not sure how to take this. If ideas were listed on how the punishment(s) would be harder on the criminals then I could follow it. Telling a government (that a lot dont trust) to look at it and make changes as they see fit.... ummm no. The fines should be higher, and licenses should immediately be suspended. Then after 2 strikes you get street racer plates in a special color and harrassed by cops all the time just like people with party plates. 3rd offense, you lose your car no questions asked and spend at least a month in jail. Apply the same punishment for DUIs and call it a night
  12. Sweet, give me a call so we can assure we are coordinated. Shorty after we arrive we can have a walk off in the parking lot. May the prettierest man win.
  13. I lol'd, woke Val up, and got kicked in the arm
  14. Are you the Boostmaster http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y115/mrak/keymaster.jpg
  15. Meh, my car on motor > your car on motor
  16. I'll check, but I'm pretty sure the bike rules are enforced pretty hard.
  17. Look into a progressive timer. Your engine will love you for it.
  18. LOL! I run 112 in the cell at all times. The amount I'm spraying determines the octane in the cars tank. It never goes above 109 though. I ran a mix of 4 gallons of 109 and 1 gallon of 94when I sprayed a 150 before the cell. Everyone told me I was overdoing it.
  19. Jerry I just caught your post about timing. This is what i do with my car. I highlighted my car because some people have their own recipes. This one has worked for me for almost 4 years. 50 shot - 26* 75 shot - 25* or really good gas 100 - 24* 150 - 22* 175 - 20* + race gas 109 octane or higher + Progressive timer 200 - Timing = Not telling you.. If you blow up your car I had nothing to do with it lol + race gas 112 octane or higher + Progressive timer + dedicated fuel system 250+ - Get a direct port and build your motor As you can see I have more timing taken out than needed because I'm a scared little girl
  20. And run good gas... Replacing o2's costs a lot less than replacing pistons.
  21. I ended up breaking 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, gear before I sent it off to Rossler (dont ask how lol.) They had to rebuild it from scratch so it ended up costing me almost $4k
  22. Its cool. I looked at your setup when you first came here and its very close but with a smaller cam if I remember right.
  23. TR6 plugs. John Rutan (Rutan TA) tuned my car and Dyno Brian tweaked the a/f after I made a few changes over the winter.
  24. Contact Koolrayz. He'll let you know all you need.
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