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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I'll be at work making sure I have Saturday free to go to Robs. I do need to start going back up there on Fridays though...
  2. V8 Beast

    This Weekend

    Inbeforeimaskedtoleave :bangbang:
  3. Did you see the teddy bear in the back window Best time in the envoy was 17.4.
  4. http://s490.photobucket.com/albums/rr267/CRTrackDays/?action=view&current=20081101130241.flv
  5. Hush! I want people to think my suv is super fast like a neon!
  6. Ouch. Were's the bottle pressure? Since it clicks it sound like you have power to it. Also, can you pinpoint which solenoid is leaking?
  7. I had one like that. I sent it back and got a new one.
  8. V8 Beast

    This Weekend

    I say you should stop being cattle herded by police form lot to lot. Work with someone that actually owns a place and try to stay for a while.
  9. WINNNNNARRRRRRRR!!!!!! I'm all for a good debate guys, just dont get personal or the thread will be locked up.
  10. I feel the same way at times. CR is blocked at work and my data phone is frustrating. I didnt stop on purpose, I'm just not eligible to upgrade my phone for a while
  11. ...while at work!!!! Over the last few weeks I have completely stayed off of CR while at work. Even with being out sick for 3 days, and having a full manager to associate ratio, I am still a week ahead on my work With all of this free time to start projects I will more than likely end up being an Associate Director in the next 2 years. Anyone one else here post too much from work?
  12. This is specifically for sponsors. If you do not have anything contructive to say about another sponsor then leave them out of your post/thread. Any sponsor that does not follow this rule will be immediately infracted and runs the risk of losing their sponsorship if this type of behavior continues. If you are removed as a CR sponsor you will not receive a refund for your sponsorship fees. If you are thinking about posting and are not sure if its crossing the line feel free to pm a moderator or admin and we will be more than happy to let you know.
  13. One month to go. Sign up people!!!!!! You dont know the amount of fun you are missing. Last year 4 of us went down in my envoy with Paul hanging a teddy bear out the window. Not that I would promote stuff like that, but the envoy only ran 15's
  14. Sorry Scott but I had to throw the red flag on this one... After further review the instant replay has revealed that the balls did in fact touch. Not gay overturned!
  15. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/bonerville.jpg
  16. LMFAO!!! I just litterally spit Sobe all over my computer when I saw my name. Looks like Anthony has already had his revenge
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