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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. If it makes you feel better you can hotlap my car at Dragway 42. I'll even let you spray it (I'm talking about nitrous you sick bastard! Get your mind out of the gutter) I went through 3 in 6 months at one point. I too got a huger tranny cooler
  2. People that drive automatics are gay.
  3. Welcome, what side of town are you from?
  4. Were I come from we call that a pump fake
  5. I love how people that lose always have to tell you how much they spun. A loss is a loss, nice kill Erik.
  6. Good to hear you didnt do too much damage Erik. Sounds to me like you are making some nice power on spray. I add an extra quarter of a quart to my car before racing to help prevent that from a dig... Were you rolling or digging on this closed coarse in Mexico
  7. You're right. The MS3 fits with no issues. I agree with you 100% about the heads, especially with a cam that big. Those MS3's put down crazy top end numbers when you let em breathe.
  8. Thats a good idea. I usually just stop doing drugs until after tech.
  9. I'm not as funny at the track days because they frown upon drug use...
  10. Sitting in my oversized cubicle helping a stupid billion dollar company get richer while I slowly waste away to nothing.
  11. Alex, are you ok? I'm not sure that I feel safe knowing you will be at the track event.
  12. Yes its a stock bottom... but dont worry, I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  13. A ninja will always have powers WTF, who made Odoyle a mod?? Definitely not a lumberjack
  14. I'm spraying a 250 shot. I figure after my car catches fire we can use that and give all the food that smoked LS1 flavor....
  15. I think I may get into body kits and stuff. There is a huge ricer market I can take advantage of... Plus I wouldnt be stuck at work 90 hours a week
  16. Wow. Those barriers would have worked fine for cars.. buses, not so much
  17. You need..... more power I say dont worry about it. If you want to make money make an aftermarket hood for the f-body that looks sweet. The ram air look is getting old.... EDIT: Gearhead is in charge of the tech area. Thats why he said he didnt care.
  18. No need to delete a productive thread when all you have do do do is delete one sentence.
  19. After I saw the news I sent him a text. He's fine. Like I told him a bus is way to slow to be able to hit a ninja. If it was headed towards Not Brian he woulda ended up in the drivers seat or pulling off a classic moto surf. In all seriousness, hopefully all of the people involved are ok.
  20. Soigning up for track days is pretty much the only way to make it out of here without 10 rep points. If you are serious about going shoot me a pm and I'll send you the link. Its on June 27th.
  21. He's fine. All he needs to do is take the location of his shop and name out of the initial post.
  22. They do look pretty sick. I'll take one in slate grey on black wheels with a bigger turbo please
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