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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Nah, definitely not a lumberjack
  2. You just summed up this 6 page thread in one sentence full of truth and capital letters.
  3. FYI... Some newbs need to be bashed. We are only going to infract you if you jump the gun. After 3 pages you can usually tell who is full of fail. I just read that the guy asked to have his account deleted, so I somewhat granted his wishes with a ban. Have a good night all. BTW.. definitley a lumberjack. /thread.
  4. Or even better.. take that bottle of astroglide you rub on your tonsils to make deep throating your gay lover more pleasurable and put in a little bit of arsenic for added flavor.
  5. I'm tired of you... stick a grenade up your ass, pull the pin, and hope for the best.
  6. I'd rather see pics of the porn...
  7. Bullshittery... http://www.toogoodforbacon.com/images/blog/february2009/myth-confirmed.jpg
  8. http://cache.deadspin.com/sports/whoopthattrick.jpg
  9. If you guys fight at Ants house I'll send my little brother over to kick both of your behinds... Now cut it out. I'm going to need pics of the two of you hugging at the party or I'm banning both of you for threats and excessive gayness (hugs are not gay as long as the balls dont touch...)
  10. Stop arguing like little bitches. I'll see if a gym will let us settle this bs with gloves early next month... So what day/time works for you ladies?
  11. Bigbird was too simple... updated again
  12. 32's not that bad... just eat more fiber and you'll feel 25
  13. Quoted for excellence, updating my custom user title now thats its caught on...
  14. I got to ride in it. You need to get more mods and quick!
  15. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I just looked and those names are copy written. I will go with you for support, but when we become super famous for looking tremendously good looking we will have to find new names. To play on our ethnic differences I think we should be called Vanilla Johnson and Cappuccino Jones. Let me know if you agree and I will have my name legally changed tomorrow.
  17. Go on Americas Next Top Model and let the world know what you are capable of. Sure they will say you are not a woman at first.. but when they see your cheek bones and raw talent they will have to let you on the show. Being that good looking and not letting the world enjoy it is a crime. Sam, stop thinking about yourself and do it for us. Do it for the United States of America! One photo shoot from you could put an end to our economic issues and assure that 100,000's of people do not lose their jobs. Stop crying about Supras and get your ass in front of the camera where you belong!!!!! You are more than a male model... you are "THE" male model!
  18. I had a guy pipe shot me not too long ago trying to get me to race. It just so happend to have been a mustang under a bridge on 670. I gave him a pipe shot back because he was being annoying... Based on his reaction I can safely assume he is deaf in his left ear. The moral of the story kids is dont give pipe shots with your windows down under bridges. The car next to you may make you deaf. Carry on...
  19. Oh, and this is what I got when I put in Sam D in photobucket... http://i71.photobucket.com/albums/i143/daleglen2004/samd.jpg Looks like all Sam D's look like that...
  20. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Isaiah-b5.jpg I figured I would add something that makes no sense...
  21. Threads or skills no good talking shit ...thread /
  22. I hope so! Right now he doesnt keep his hands up, has no footwork, no stamina, and is pretty much a pint size hay maker machine. He cant kick my ass, but in 7 months he will be able to kick Phils ass
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