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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/th_bjko1.jpg Sorry I dont fight adults... only kids...
  2. Cool. I'm going to contact the track and see if they can give us an extension on the deposit.
  3. V8 Beast

    CR boxing...

    If you could put any two members in the ring together who would it be, and why?
  4. http://sternfanblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/beetlejuice.jpg This made me think of Phil
  5. I would have... but I had to go to my real job. Christian got his answer and I left. Like I said to him, if you are curious as to whats going on ask us. People ask me all the time what happened to their threads, posts, etc. Everytime I have given them an answer. The only thing I try not to do is give the name of what mod did it. He asked about his post so I sent him a PM about his post. You asked for a public explanation and you got a public explanation. Thats pretty much all there is to it. We usually keep pretty good notes so all you have to do is ask.
  6. That does suck. I would still call a detective and say you think the apartment next to yours is involved in criminal activities. I would also see if the complex will let you move to another apartment further away from them.
  7. Why not send a mod a pm and ask? We all have access to deleted posts and leave reasons. Just because a post is deleted does not mean you did something wrong.. If you didnt get an infraction or a pm you can safely bet that you are not in the wrong and move one. Considering what your post was about and what else was deleted, I would assume you could figure it out on your own. Like Ant said, stop openly questioning what the mods here do. Its not a rule but you all are going to make it one if you keep it up. People do have lives outside of here (which means at times we do what we can in the time we have) and when doing clean up on 40 or more posts you can safely assume the pms will only go to those that are in the wrong. Its not about courtesy or respect.... but if you are curious about deleted posts, etc. feel free to send us a pm and we will respond to it when we have a chance. Making a public post really isnt going to help anything.. its just going to piss off the people that are nice enough to volunteer their time to this site.
  8. Win win situation.. Nick Cannons coming back at him just caused the controvery needed for Eminem to make additional record sales... Now Nick makes a record and he gets to enjoy the controvery money as well.
  9. "The engine light is on .It happens because the factory did that on purpose so people can bring their car back so they can charge them to take the light off thinking that some is wrong with the engine."
  10. I had people sitting next to my cars in my driveway at 3am once. Luckily for me the people didnt live here. The way the police handled it was a lot different. The cops actually ended up chasing the guys through the neighborhood before they caught them. Then afterwards we got a phone call explaining what happened to the people that were picked up. They were minors that were being charged with a curfew violation and being intoxicated. Their parents came and picked them up and they would have to appear in court. They never came back after that...
  11. Does anybody even know who the person is and if they are even on CR?
  12. If the Ta isnt done just race the civic
  13. Not bad for being close to stock. Sorry to hear about being laid off, times suck right now. KilKare and National Trails are about the same distance from me. Norwalk is a few hour drive... I miss that place. Havnt been since they changed everything.
  14. I'm ceo of the company.. in my pants!!!! HIGH FIVE!!!! http://tidedruid.files.wordpress.com/2008/05/thetodd.jpg
  15. Whats up, welcome to the site. Any track times?
  16. :gtfo: I have to admit they were some nice pics, but rules are rules.
  17. She averages 8-9 texts per minute if you calculate in 5 hours of sleep each night. Based on the fact that she can send a lot at once and have them delivered in under 5 seconds she actually has room to do more if she wanted
  18. You can have multiple recipients for a single text. A quick, "Hey everybody!" to 10 people at once in her group list would boost the count. If they all reply she could easily have 20 messages in and out in 30 seconds.
  19. I use between 1k - 6k a month depending on how much my boss and my direct reports want to annoy me.
  20. I have to agree. Let him have some say in what car he gets. He will respect it more and take better care of it. I had to deal with a Chrysler LHS... The second I got a job I went and got my TA on an 18% interest rate. Just because I wanted a sporty car and not a grandpa mobile I was willing to throw away money. It took me paying $700 a month for a year before I had the credit to refinance. I learned my lesson the hard way
  21. You my friend are a CR addict. If you were out drinking and having a good time (which I would assume you were based on your posts) you should be making sure your nuts dont stink... not posting in this thread. Having sweaty balls will greatly reduce the amount of time that you receive oral pleasure.
  22. I am going to go back to the background and just moderate. I'm too old for this shit! nb4wewakeup2a14 pagetrainwreckworsethanthe1wealreadycaused
  23. How in the hell did I get sucked into this I hate you all! I havnt slept in 2 days and here I am on the internets.. Damn CR!
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