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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Yes, and you can be one too for the low low price of $350!!!!!
  2. You are the reason why everyone should be allowed to own guns
  3. V8 Beast

    Hey Hal!!!!!

  4. Wrong smiley... newb. It has to be a happy smiley, not a confused one. Starting a new thread to cuss you out so the gun people dont get upset..
  5. Hal, its not a threat if its followed by a smiley :p :p :p :p :p (and you actually know the person)
  6. Whatever happened to... ...Steve Urkel
  7. Shut up before I ban you the old school way.... http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d105/CRISSCAT75/gun.jpg
  8. http://content.ytmnd.com/content/f/4/8/f485b0dbf692e92019f8fee9cff8490a.jpg
  9. Guns are outdated and barbaric. When are we going to get lasers?
  10. TR6 plugs... how often do you replace them? Since they run so cold I have been switching them out every year just to be safe (last year I replaced them twice). I figure since they run so cold, and I dont spray all time, its for the better. What do you other n2o guys do?
  11. True story... I invented the stanky leg when I was drunk in college. Never thought I could make money off of bullshit like that though. I'm making up a song right now called do the clean arm
  12. Hey Anthony... have you picked up a jacket yet?
  13. Do you like me? Check yes_______ Check no________
  14. Sorry I cant make it. I have a racquetball tournament that week. You are so lucky too because I would have owned you! Anyways, I'm off to the strip club and afterwards I'm going to have sex with a woman.
  15. Eating a nutter butter just before drinking a sprite zero makes it taste like Trix cereal.
  16. Its blurry to everyone but you. Since its your face you can see it but no one else can see it because its your face and not their face. If it was their face it would be blurry to you and clear to them because it would be their face and not your face. But since its your face you are the only one that can see it which is why its not blurry to you but is to everyone else.
  17. Damn, I think I went to the wrong spot. Hal is this what you look like? http://wcuk.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/225629_fat_guy_in_car.jpg If so that car is quick!!
  18. I just got back from racing Hal at the spot. I lost $3 and my pride
  19. I'm naked and I took out all the seats. Sitting on a crate with the seat belt tied around my ankle for safety. Thats how I roll.
  20. How about envoy vs envoy vs stratus. The wife wants in on the action. I'll be at the spot in 4 minutes. I need to get race gas... 89 octane FTMFW!!!
  21. Give me back my stapler On a side note I was sent back to work after reading this from home.
  22. Sorry. You're right, Sam and I should start a new thread titled I run faster than 12's.. Oh wait! I'll race anyone with my wifes status!!! Is that a slow enough car to fit in with these battling piles of fail???
  23. I'll race it Sam. Bring it to the track day and we'll get some runs in then talk about the build afterwards.
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