A few things...
Many forums now have a set number of required posts before allowing people to sale things.
A lot of forums would delete a thread like this. By mentionining that you have specific products for sale this is more of a for sale ad than a hello to everyone.
If you are so sensative that the word "crap" gets you all hot an bothered then you are in the right place. You and the other sensative emos that sneaked through to the board can talk about interior design and what type of deep throat lube works best when you have a soar throat.
If you only think about this place when you have stuff for sale then just go ahead and disapear now. The people looking for the things you have more than likely will be on mustang forums with you anyway.
Have a nice day,
Toyota Highlander?
Pay close attention... Getting the two confused could cost you your life.
This is all true. His car doesnt even have a supercharger. That intake on the front of his car runs into the cabin where he supples it with dark energy from his own being.
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