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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. gold grills http://www.goldkolor.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/most-expensive-barbecue-1.jpghttp://www.goldkolor.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/most-expensive-barbecue-1.jpg
  2. http://www.blingcheese.com/graphics/Misc/Bling_Pimp/0_bling_money_bags.gif
  3. My eyes are wide shut and my angus is a closed opening
  4. So what was up with the last 5 shots? As a tax payer I would prefer those be used on the next idiot.
  5. Good point, I'll ask him about the blowjobs
  6. How many years does it take to get a degree in nonsense? Do you have to blow someone to get into politics? Does it have to be a good blow job? What about handseys? Why are politicians so full of crap? Why are news stations less accurate than the internet? How much would I have to pay a news station to make them change their views in the middle of a broadcast? Why dont all these rich people in and around politics just cut a check and get rid of the debt? Are they not allowed to? 30 billionaires could put a nice dent in the debt if it was really important to them. Why is a person like Ron Paul frowned upon as a president because hes different? I thought doing the same thing repeatedly expecting different results meant you were crazy. Is America full of crazy people? Why am I asking questions I know the answer to?
  7. Wagnurr by meye karr! Runz tins Wit Da naWz fo leS den uwOOd pay 2 gitall deM moDdz yo selv.
  8. Banning Phil makes me smile. When he texts me afterwards it makes me giggle. When he facebooks about it my pants get tight. When he comes back I stain my boxers with joy.
  9. Banned Phil again. Fuck was not given
  10. I run the same time in 90 degree weather hot lapping that I do in 60 degree weather... But its like having a rechargable battery thats drained when you need it most.
  11. ... but when I do nail polish on their hands makes me feel less gay.
  12. I don't always let dudes give me hand jobs....
  13. V8 Beast


    When in doubt... power cycle
  14. V8 Beast


    Alex, leg humping is infractable.
  15. There are about 100 different models I could get for that much. I even found a viper. Of the cars in that range the newer 5.0, older C6, and keep what I got have been the conclusion. Im going to see if the guy will trade me cars for a week to help me make the final call.
  16. Dont get me wrong, Ive test drove these enough to where dealers tell me not to come back. Im true to my fun car, if I get the stang it will be "my car". Ive also never dropper over $30k on a newish car like the cts... I didnt have a lot of money growing up so Im naturally a penny pincher. I cant bring myself to justifying a purchase that high yet.
  17. I bet those 9ers fans that think Ginn is a bum wish they had him tonight.
  18. I prefer auto. Manuals get on my nerves when Im not in a racing mood. Its a really hard decision. What I lose in straight line performance I gain in comfort. I'll have to venture into the gray area for my answer.
  19. I want it to be real simply for epicness
  20. Year round daily Family/tow/coaching stuff Dedicated fun When my wife goes to work I would hate to have a cts-v as my only other car living in Ohio.
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