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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. V8 Beast


    I think I did all of those name rapes...
  2. Not the point he's making, really. The "but seriously" was to show him that I was joshing him. The point is obvious... its all politics.
  3. I want to see underworld and haywire... those both looked to be promising.
  4. A few questions.. What are your goals? Lean muscle, trying to bulk up? How much cardio do you incorporate and when? What does your diet look like? When you work out do you focus on increasing your max lift, max reps, looking good in a speedo?
  5. V8 Beast


    Im going to name rape you
  6. V8 Beast


    I would usually place something funny here in the form of a run on sentence using a bit of wit and a dash of personality.
  7. V8 Beast


    Jason was nice and only warned you instead of doing an actual infraction. For his trouble I bitched at him for being nice and so do you.. Your voice on this forum is as loud as the people that care about you, your tenure, and the speed of your car. Mjrsplat, you are a very slight whisper above muted. The truth is I feel sorry for you. Take it for what its worth, but if you were more than a low level troll trying to get "street cred" I probably would have banned you for this thread in conjunction with being annoying. Instead I'm going to take a shower, condition my ball hair and not a fuck will be given. See why I say infract Jason. They are going to bitch anyway, at least make it worth it.
  8. Its an expensive sport. How much are the cages and other safety equipment they force you to install at that time/speed? Its just one more thing to check off and another reason for people to avoid the track.
  9. You fail due to fantasizing about something you could go buy, get drive, mod, use, etc. :gabe:
  10. But seriously, its all politics. How could they tell if you are running E85? Ive never seen the fuel people bring to the track tested.
  11. If you have enough money to build a track legal 9 second car you can afford a new suit.
  12. V8 Beast


    Against the Oilers Glad an Ohio team is doing well!!! Bengals by 10
  13. pssssss.. forgot Tina
  14. Anthony and Tina have really trust admins. We could make the home page a tribute to Hello Kitty and rename the sections after our favorite He-Man Characters.
  15. Talk to my ass... its the only part of me that gives a shit /Peter Griffin
  16. I just made a small suggestion. Now if Paul burns down the site everyone is coming after me.
  17. No, the new in thing is to have your data network go down. Everyone is doing it
  18. V8 Beast

    Dear wnaplay...

    Wood grain for you.. stylish interior that resembles wood Wood grain for me... when I sprinkle oats on my dick to to help the ho's manage their cholesterol.
  19. V8 Beast

    Dear wnaplay...

    My WS6 feels good today. I need to strike out part of my sig quote.
  20. http://izit.org/sites/izit.org/files/imagecache/Standard_View/sites/default/files/5896a425956e88f90066747d2f2d31e3_6003.gif
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