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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I wouldnt vote so I could freely complain about who was elected.
  2. Phone is awesome. Its like geek paradise in the palm of your hand.
  3. Hate to break it to you but in real life you don't respawn...
  4. Why does it seem the end of the free world happens every other week? When democrats are in office its republicans and vice versa. We will never get a damn thing done until we become one country and not 4 acting like one. The first step is a neutral leader and government with common sense. Why can't we accomplish that simple task... because Americans are stupid. The end
  5. I will make them... It will happen... It will be done
  6. I laughed but if Sol signs off on it I'm making this shirt for meeself :nod:
  7. Ive messed with people in my day but not for 10 straight months. Was it your cousins laptop or something? I ask because you still seem mad bro....
  8. Im wondering about downloaded patches.
  9. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/becauseracecar.png
  10. So does anyone know how many patches for the game have gone out? I have had 4 or 5, but my son has only had 3. I ask because the game plays much much better now for me. Its like night and day.
  11. Got to listen to a helicopter hover directly above my house for an hour :dumb:
  12. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_4477.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/Transam6-12-09011-2.jpg
  13. So... if I get bit by one of these superspiders will it finally be acceptable for me to wear my red tights?
  14. V8 Beast


  15. If he beats the Pats it will prove that he sold his soul to the devil or is a the real life equivalent to Bruce Almighty.
  16. V8 Beast


    Hi, I'm an asshole. They call me that because when I'm around shit happens.
  17. When you clean it up later try one with the dates and 10 year stuff removed and I would love it. With the dates its too aniversaryish to me.
  18. http://i32.tinypic.com/25f7zpz.gif
  19. What in the hell is up with this guy and end of games? Its like he goes into a phone booth in the 4th quarter and comes out Steve Young. Its a good thing his kicker was on point today. As good as he was on that drive, if I was the Broncos I would be worried. How long can you play the cardiac kids role before it bites you in the butt? You wont have a running back run out of bounds, and fumble to give the game away every week. I dont know who wanted the Broncos to win more.. Tebow, or Barber
  20. 1 Springfield Armory XD Tactical .45acp. 1 Case 1 10 round magazine 1 13 round magazine, 1 holster 1 dual mag holster 1 speed loader $400 http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-12-11_16-47-06_35.jpg http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-12-11_16-46-54_746.jpg
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