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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I am thinking about leaving work early just to play. I'll let you know.
  2. Oh shot son! Gabe got the capslock mod!!!!
  3. Good.. I get no excitement from this. It's more of a business as usual situation. Ill keep posting where I'll be playing for the next week. You do the same and one day our schedule will sync up spanky.
  4. You are 100% right. But to take it one step further, catoring to the the hiring person/group rather than just the position is great... If possible
  5. Could have at least said Grant Hill. Odens still young. I can't dunk anymore but the jump shots still there. I'll be at lifetime tonight on sawmill.
  7. When people cut me off I become an admin on a forum they frequent and ban them.
  8. I don't know about Stephaan but Stevie could probably beat him. He is like 5' 7 now and can shoot 3s.
  9. I got that from a friend that had adult theme parties because it was defective. I forgot to super glue it to Pauls car before he left
  10. Good times. On a side note I lost the dildo when I was roll racing with it suctioned to my window. True story
  11. Come to Bill Mcdonald at 8. Ill pay for you to play.
  12. Thanks for pointing this out. Bye Jeffro When you take risks bans happen.
  13. I hate you so much that I think its love.
  14. Lmao... I'm going to have a mid life crisis. Divorce the wife, buy a vette, and get a jherri curl
  15. Remember all that dumb stuff you did growing up that your parents didn't like? Saying "Eat my shorts man". What about quoting south park lines? How about acting like Cornholio with your shirt over your head saying you needed tp for your bunghole? I bet they thought you were hopeless Kids reinvent ways to be dumb every other year. They type like idiots and wear skinny jeans. We cut holes in our jeans and attempted to do stunts we saw on Jackass. If its considered cool kids will do it.
  16. Thanx for the jinx. I've been injury free since flag football last year buster
  17. Marv ( the guy from flag football) rents out a gym every Wednesday. Have you paid for yours or is it open court?
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