LOL! Shits awesome! My nosey ass neighbors are all concerned.. and I'm all playing it like a victim I pulled it down in 4 minutes and ended up with about 4 rolls of tp to wipe my ass with... thanks guys.
You guys/gals are so lucky I turned my alarm on. The kids were trying to find a way to send the dog outside since I wouldnt wake up. Yesterday was my son's birthday so I was dead to the world. 2 hours at Skyzone, 4 basketball games, visited almost everyone in my family, then played juice pong for a few hours (they cant drink beer since they're 12). I hit that bed and didnt look back.
Morning carnage and proof that I'm still loved...
P.S. If it would have rained I would have driven to each one of your locations and treated you like those guys that "luckily" live at the beginning of every Final Destination movie.