Thanks guys, I'll try it out the bleach first since I can do that now. The car doesnt have a cabin filter. Will the other air filter have any effect on it? If so I'll spray that with lysol too. Its only the ac, the heat is fine.
Ive tried just about everything but the smell keeps coming back. Fabreeze, anti-bacterial spray, running the vent for an hour straight while spraying it and alternating from circulating air to pulling from the outside. Spraying the mess out of it then driving around for 30 minutes trying to air it out. The smell keeps coming back. Ive been working on it off and on for 3 months and it comes back every time. Any other tricks/products I can try to get this smell out of without replacing the air vents?
Just to set the right expectation they can credit back the difference through the end of the contract to eliminate the adverse change. If they do let people go then they calculated the amount of lost revenue into that 1.50. Just be aware that they can offer a credit instead of just closing it. That 30 day window ties into all changes but doesnt always mean that ending the contract is a definite. My guess would be they are letting people go but at a certain number they will close the flood gates.
Handled it like a bauce! Glad to hear everyone is ok.
I read your story to about 20 people at work today and all of them said, wtf, damn, or holy shit afterwards. They also told me to tell you and the others thank you for your service. Thanks broham!
Currently I have two seperate seats, but would prefer to be able to seat 3 in the second row. Seats are cream colored leather. If anyone would like to do an even trade let me know ( two seats and an arm rest/cup holder). 2004 aviator
8 spots lets. I contacted everyone that contacted me. Tomorrow is first come first serve to the first 8 that come see me (outside of those I have already pmed, spoke to, etc)
Just give it 2-3 months and check ebay. Those idiots that got 200 of them thinking they could double profits will be selling what they are stuck with for 150-175
I think I understand what you are saying. What I see is a pile of sticks. Since you are openly gay I thought this was a reference to a bundle of sticks but the string is missing. Then it hit me.. You are going to be hanging with a bunch of faggots that you are not tied to and do various forms of the sexual act popularly known as the wheelbarrow. Its that or you are just going to burn wood and eat smores and shit...
Remember when people said things like "starter home". You know the one that you buy when you are young and flip after a decade to upgrade to a better house. Too many people are in situations where their homes value have dropped to where selling will break them even.
I think Im going to short sale my house and move down the street to a bigger house for 30k less thank what Im paying now.
Dumb waste of space fuck - Pick a troll.. any troll
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Longest hanging nuts from swingers weighing them down - Sam/Tilley
Most full of themself - JP's abs (JP is cool but his abs have a mind of their own)
Most dangerous - Shanton... Does 180mph like a bauce, and thats just to get to work.
Lifetime achievement award - Ray
Best Admin - Anthony (Dumb asses. Stop giving him reasons to pull the plug. This site is awesome!!!! Oh yeah and shit stuff)
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Most best why dont you post that much anymore - Linn
Most compliments on a pic - Marks Z06
Most likely to read this entire fucking thing - You
Most likely to keep reading it - Probably you as well... yup I was right