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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Most of these people with "no power" living the dream are a success in real life. This website in no way shape or form defines them. They honestly dont enjoy babysitting some of the losers here that cant follow simple elementary directions. If given the choice most would just be normal members and be able to enjoy their time here more. The mods and admins volunteer their tiime for free and it pisses me off when people look down their nose at them because they are doing what they are asked. If this place is lame, stupid, full of a bunch of nerds, is a waste of a site, etc.. etc.. etc.. then why keep coming back? I just dont get it... The internet is huge, go explore it and leave this shitty site to those that like it.
  2. Last post was 8 of 2010 until just now.... News at 11
  3. Da fuck happened here!?! Say what you want but all of you should at least be happy the powers that be are a lot more patient with the ban hammer than other sites I've been on. Hell, if the mods here got to ban all the people they asked us to this thread would be 1 page. Have fun complaining, and posting wierd shit... toodles :gabe:
  4. Why drive into wall like me playing project gotham racing
  5. Note to self: Inbox is full, no more notes to self.
  6. I just like shooting people in an innocent loving kind of way. Ps... I dont ban people... I hold hands, sing, and wear clothes made of hemp.
  7. Note to self: Carry gun when riding bike.
  8. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/depths-of-hell-cartoon-3100.jpg
  9. I used to push my foot so hard into the floor.. because thats all I could really do. If I had Spilners setup I would have popped out my diamond plate.
  10. Hilliard has bike lanes on the major roads I use so I dont have a problem with them. Having that available to most of them leads to them making that part of their route and staying off of the other roads where they could block people.
  11. If I had a manual I would probably have liked roll racing more. There was absolutely no skill involved other than anticipating the 3rd honk.. I even had a nitrous controller so that was automatic too. Dig racing is pretty much a game of tire pressure for me. Once I find the sweet spot its auto pilot again. Suspensions dialed in to handle what I give it and the tracks are usually pretty good about prep. Dig racing a 12 second car is just as easy as roll racing to 120... in my opinion. Now like JP said 180 takes some skill. I spun my car to 180 and could litterally feel the front end lifting up... will never do again!
  12. See a thread called beating off Phil and the last post is by a guy named Fapner... wtf is going on here???
  13. I'm keeping my subscription.. When I get bored I can always find some bs to watch to pass the time on my cell, computer, xbox, etc.
  14. We hood rich up in dis bitch.. I aint sweatin $8 cuz.
  15. The threads closed Did you see this post?
  16. V8 Beast

    Scott cordell

    Phil hits it and quits it like a bauce
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