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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. 87GT

    ISS fly over

    Fuck I will still be at work. I remember when I went camping in Yellow Stone park you could see satellites every night. All you had to do was stare at the sky and within an hour or less you would see a bright almost star that moves in a perfect line. It is insane how fast it moves across the sky. Fucking loved it you could wait some more time and then you would see it again.
  2. Been tossing around the idea to get a Dodge Ram 1500. Specifically a 2005 v8 version. Will be used for daily driving and hauling. What is good and bad about this year? Edit: Forgot to mention regular cab, long bed, not sure about 2wd or 4wd...
  3. You are allowed to make fun of any religion except Islam.
  4. Brake lights are not always there. Sometimes there is no one else on the road with me.
  5. All has been sold except 1 car charger, gps, car kit, large battery, and large battery case. Entertaining any offers now to get rid of all of this.
  6. Well after the girls of course probably a 2005ish accord v6 with in dash navigation and just leave it all stock.
  7. 2 girls at the same time would have to be my ride. Final answer.
  8. Then ask them how much money they saved by modding it over keeping it stock.
  9. http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/715/fapi.jpghttp://img69.imageshack.us/img69/7106/yesi.jpg
  10. I know right? I thought I was the only one to feel this way.
  11. This is the smartest thing so far in the thread. Buy a beater now get a better car later.
  12. Buy a 89-91 civic dx and boost it. You won't have to do any other mods TRUST ME
  13. http://www.ohiohondas.com
  14. He had a gun, police scanner, and formulas in his car! Clearly he is a terrorist and must be incarcerated with a quickness!
  15. 87GT

    verizon people

    They should just make a lockout feature in the phone to disable internet access.
  16. You know the area I am talking about. Everyone says not to speed but I usually do just smart about it. Past 2 days between sawmill and tuttle around the curves were a few dublin and highway patrol cars. This whole year my detector has not went off at all on my trip to work. Yesterday twice I got hit with LIDAR. Today once I got hit with LIDAR. Keep your eyes open.
  17. Yeah I've been reading up on this. It is all on demonoid if you want to download the files to do it on your iPhone. But still this is more of a reason to get everyone on fucking linux because it runs everything.
  18. http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/662/roseanne.jpg
  19. Pandora Slacker Radio MortPlayer TuneWiki Handcent SMS Apollo Task Killer Root Explorer Wireless Tether for root users Google Navigation C:geo appinstaller Oregon Trail Quake 2 Sygic GPS
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