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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. All my computers work after I install unix and windows xp on them. I don't know what the problem is with other people.
  2. If that makes mine smaller in real life then lets go with it. I am tired of my wife telling me how much it hurts after every time we have sex.
  3. My arms are filled with sunburn from last weekend but go ahead and think what you want. At least the mac I own is a hackentosh box. I am not enough of a cock (unlike you) to buy a mac computer
  4. We should go shooting at NASR sometime. I get in free weekdays if you want to go right when they open at 10. I just can only stay for a few hours since I work at 1pm.
  5. I keep everything in my gun bag in my trunk. Ammo is in a box and guns are magazine free and not loaded. oh yes and http://www.flexyourrights.com one of my favorite web sites.
  6. This guy is full of interspecies erotica. You should vote for him http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2009/4/29/725999/-Georgia-candidate-doesnt-think-past-sex-with-mule-will-hurt-his-chances-for-Governor?ha
  7. Congratulations. Make sure it is born in October. All the cool kids including myself have a birthday in late October.
  8. This posting has been flagged for removal (The title on the listings page will be removed in just a few minutes.)
  9. 87GT

    at work drinking

    You lucky bastard. I need a drink right now =(
  10. please check http://www.snopes.com before believing chain mails.
  11. NASR always has them. Every time I go to vances they have Winchester target ammo boxes.
  12. I am so selling my beater for 3K it is mint condition!
  13. my penis died...I think we should bury it in your ass. I sent this to my wife before. They stole my idea!!!
  14. 87GT

    Your Job?

    I don't like my job but I like the people I work with. I have tried to get a job internally and have had interviews but no success. Soon I will be looking outside of the company for work.
  15. I will pay you extra for a case or 3 when you get back. I got 5 on it.
  16. I will take the rapists for 500 alex.
  17. Next thing you will see it pulling a few scraper bikes on a trailer.
  18. :lol: Edit. P.S. I love you too man! We should be heterosexual life partners.
  19. It was more brown then red. It had dark tinted windows.
  20. Today on my way to work I saw an older IROC camaro with 30 days tags and very large gold rims. Couldn't take picture sorry but it made me want to throw up.
  21. I am offended that not one white person was there for the special. I go to the popeye's close to my house and for sure would be there if they had a 2 piece special. I don't care if it is in a bad part of town or not it is FARRRRRRRRRR better then KFC chicken. MMMM I want popeye's for dinner now but NO they have to close at 9pm when I am still working :(:(
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