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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. Must of just been created. I haven't seen it before.
  2. LOL Wut Just baby and parent pictures with funny captions. The background is funny! Doesn't seem nsfw to me. http://whythefuckdoyouhaveakid.com/
  3. These people sound like they are tripping on drugs. LOL funny video.
  4. I am going to be eating so many "sea kittens" when I am in England in 2 days. They will be friend and topped off with lemon juice. MMMM so tasty.
  5. http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/03/28/1217224&art_pos=2&art_pos=2 "Richard Jenkins reached 126.1mph in his Greenbird car on the dry plains of Ivanpah Lake in Nevada, setting a new world land speed record for a wind-powered vehicle. 'It's great; it's one of those things that you spend so long trying to do and when it actually happens, it's almost too easy,' says Jenkins. The Greenbird is a carbon fiber composite vehicle that uses wind (and nothing else) for power. The designers describe it as a 'very high performance sailboat,' but one that uses a solid wing, rather than a sail, to generate movement. Due to the shape of the craft, especially at such high speeds, the wings also provide lift; a useful trait for an aircraft, but very hazardous for a car. To compensate for this, the designers have added small wings to 'stick' the car to the ground, in the same way Formula 1 cars do. 'Greenbird weighs 600kg when it's standing still,' says Jenkins. 'But at speed, the effect of the wings make her weigh just over a ton.' Jenkins has also built a wind-powered craft that travels on ice, rather than land. 'Now that we've broken the record, I'm going back on to the ice craft. There's still some debate as to whether traveling on ice or land will be faster.'"
  6. I haven't found a free turn by turn gps yet. You have to pay for the VZ one. The others are good but you don't get someone yelling at you to turn.
  7. 87GT

    The HID

    This thread offends me.
  8. 87GT

    Super Moderator.

  9. 87GT

    Super Moderator.

    Don't worry a super mod did the same thing to me the other day on a thread. I didn't make a new thread to bitch about it but whatever.
  10. 87GT

    I failed

    Tell us how you really feel.
  11. Hmm they maybe just need to input a shop for their record on the claim...
  12. It depends on the company. Sometimes they make the check out to you and someone only to a shop. You might want to call them and talk about it.
  13. http://www.bodybuilders.gr/data/main/forum/mainuploadsfolder/msdmn/20071110171619_Roid_rage.gif
  14. Tell her it is to keep the rapists away from her.
  15. Don't worry Jones is on my aim list under a group called "gays".
  16. STOP WITH THE LOGICAL THINKING. That is satan talking! lol
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