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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. I don't care about that law. You are an idiot if you don't either, GTF over a lane, step on the gas and get ahead of me, or coast behind me until i get on the highway. I ALWAYS do one of the 3 things in that order. Fuck common courtesy courtesy you will cause an accident if you don't yield. Be a defensive driver or don't drive at all. One of the many rules of defensive driving is "Don't Prevent Others from Passing You". If I am getting onto the highway my pedal is to the floor since I have no horse power. Getting up to 65 is hard sometimes... don't make it worse for me because you want to drive 60.
  2. Both posts were gay. Trowa knows of the subject very well.
  3. I can't wait for call of duty world at war
  4. There is no yield sign on the highway. It is called an acceleration ramp for a reason. I shouldn't have to put my brakes on to get onto the highway. I need to be going the speed limit by the time I am on the highway.
  5. Unless you are Napoleon Dynamite, or tripping on acid/shrooms, it is gay to have Unicorn in your online name.
  6. Best thing to do is get the court date for this lady. Google FCClerks and do a public search. Find her court date. Go to court with an appraisal of the damage. Tell them that she needs to pay for the damages. Don't mention to the judge that you have insurance unless they ask.
  7. 87GT

    Mac People

    Yes buy this combo for sure.
  8. Make sure you buy the following 1) An integra 2) With only honda badges 3) That has at least 2 different colored body parts 4) Profit
  9. I wish the flying spaghetti monster was on the ballot.
  10. My wife was rear ended by a lady with no insurance. It happens and the cops won't do anything. This is why I tell everyone to get full coverage. My wife didn't want full coverage when I added her on after we got married. I told her there was no option and we both will have full coverage. Good thing I did since my insurance company paid everything even the deductible.
  11. I hate people in the right most lane that do not get over one lane when I am entering the freeway. I almost pushed one person off to the left lane one day because she didn't even hit her brake or speed up. The middle lane was free of all traffic. You should do at least one of those so someone can merge onto the highway. People like this should lose their license.
  12. You can setup a rig like this for the lulz http://gizmodo.com/5064773/motion-detector-turns-on-blender-strobe-light-when-cat-nears-with-hilarious-results
  13. I love cover songs! They don't have an actual music video of this song but here is a live version. Great cover skip to 1:30ish to start the song.
  14. I always knew you had some Red in you. Welcome to the club! Now where is my Italian car at?
  15. I will vote for obama in a heart beat if I get a Ferrari. I am beginning to think Dr Rick isn't christian from his views over the past week. Is that just me or anyone else feel that way?
  16. Yes NF... doctors almost though I had it as a baby but I got pectus evacuatum instead. Lucky me. But how can you sell goods if you don't have them to begin with. Or even more so how can you buy goods to sell if you barely can afford eating?
  17. He has no other issue then how he looks. It is not like it will cause him to work less productive or anything. The issue is other people and their fear of the unknown. It is illegal to not hire someone because of their looks but how can you enforce this law? Paying taxes for disability helps... at least he can afford to eat but that is about it.
  18. The original post is too offensive to Trowa. Since 2 wrongs don't make a right I will not respond with an even more offensive post that would offend parents with mentally challenged children. Trowa keeps his reply to himself.
  19. OH NO I AM SORRY... America was first founded on African Americans growing Hemp against their will. I forgot about that. :(
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