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Everything posted by 87GT

  1. I have too! You are on my friends list!
  2. 87GT

    "I" Endorse Obama

    I will vote for whatever person will lower the cost of ammo for every store in the USA.
  3. His name should be SCHMUCK_THE_DOUCHE
  4. I meant peeing after you are done drinking alcohol and moved on to water...
  5. I feel your pain. My next door neighbor takes his bike out all the fucking time. He comes home at 1-2am and revs it in his driveway. Shit pisses me off all the time. It is louder then my surround sound speakers.
  6. But you don't play with me on live on the weekends You never did help me beat that level in Army of 2. Because of that I haven't touched that game for months. /me cries
  7. Gas can and matches... I mean insight is probably right. I have them and they sux0rz
  8. lol that cd is in my car right now. Listened to it driving to school
  9. I don't like the black hood or your blue Honda badges. Everything else on the civic looks very nice.
  10. FYI I drank probably 5oz of captain morgans and 45oz of tonic water last night 1 hour before bed. I woke up today at 8am and at school by 9am with no hangover. MMMM coffee
  11. Do you drink water after alcohol and then pee a few times? Do you not fall asleep until you are sober? Try that next time
  12. 87GT

    "I" Endorse Obama

    I got into an argument with someone from California because I said I live in Ohio and I want to write in vote for Ron Paul. They said I was throwing away my vote on someone that won't have a chance. I told them I will vote for who I think would be best for the country regardless if they are a nominee or not because that is the American thing to do. I don't think they want to talk to me anymore.
  13. Duram wheat. Everything else could be obtained on the island.
  14. You are doing it wrong. Drink 1 lt of water but don't drink it all at once. Drink it over 30 minutes or more. Make sure you pee a few times before bed. Works everytime I do it. Even better for your next test drink nothing but vodka or gin plus tonic water. Get DRUNK and see how well you feel the next day. This is my drink of choice during the week.
  15. http://www.schemamag.ca/archives/Trailer%20Park%20Boys.jpg
  16. Ass lickings are great. You got to get a girl who bathes properly though.
  17. Don't flatter yourself because a lot of things makes my penis hard. It is so easy to poke people in the eye being Trowa.
  18. 87GT

    Barack Osama???

    My mom calls him that name all the time. It gets old real quick.
  19. 87GT

    Issue 6.

    I think it will allow no taxes for the casino but don't quote me on that.
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