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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. thanks for the cds wife is playing them befor we shoot them up lol
  2. i would love to com get the cd i can get them asap let me know 614-808-5867 mike
  3. go to the site and read up on it theres going to be 3 classes its going to be fun
  4. http://www.ohiodragracers.net/race-rules.html
  5. This year we will be holding a power wheels race for the kids this year. We will post rules if any and date TBA. and if you all would like we will do one for you all too look on http://www.ohiodragracers.net thanks 990mike
  6. i will take the Powershot 750 7.1mp $20 call me and we can talk 614-808-5867 mike i can pick it up asap
  8. we are think of putting a race on for kids and you all too it going to be a fun race we just need youe in put on some classes but we still are going to do are thing too
  9. if you bye them new there over 5000.00
  10. ive got a set of wilwood brokes ive got every thing you will need front and back ive got the rotors and 6 pistoin Caliper and the are blue and i have the lines too pm me or just call me i can get pic from my phone bye texting them 614-808-5867 990mike p.s there like new 1500.00 O.B.O
  11. Jan 28th. Dave & Buster's in Hilliard @ 7pm. a lot of us from ohiodragracers will be there talking about what races that we are looking at for 2012 if you have any in put plazzz let us know or just com on out and have fun with us and eat some good food thanks 990mike from ohiodragracers.net p.s. hop to see you there
  12. can you pm me if your still looking to sell this what it is or call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  13. you looking to do any trading if so call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  14. Happy New year every one i hop you all have a good one
  15. 990mike


    do any trading if so call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  16. man im looking to get some one to do my wheels on my race car would you do them for me if so call me looking to go black 614-808-5867 mike
  17. can i get your number so we can talk thanks 990mike
  18. would you do a set of wheels for me race car in black if so call me at 614-808-5867 mike
  19. no thats my buddy wane he got band from here
  20. hell we can try it agin just get with all of us and lets talk
  21. ???????????? give me a call 614-808-5867 === 990mike
  22. dont make me get the power wheels out lmfao
  23. it was cold but fun lol
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