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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. my freind just lost his ass doing his site. the one i told you guys about. pennies4parts.com i thik he lost over 2000 becase pepole think it is a rip off but his was not.
  2. give me a call on the ammo 614-808-5867 mike
  3. hello ive got a old school redline 4-sale 75.00 obo 614-808-5867 mike
  4. tonight will be real parts and real auctions.
  5. and he will make better deals for us. he said they wanna lift all reserves someday and the parts will sell for whatever.
  6. Right if a parts meet reserve then bids stay with the auction.
  7. they are not doing it like others. these are all reseve auctions and if it dont meet reserve they give your bids back. they will get everything right. its all new still. its hasnt even ben a week. im just telling you guys about it. im gonna do it.
  8. its not like other penny auctions. I think he said he would make 7 bucks on a 1050 carb if it meets reserve. that dont seem like to much of a profit to me. they still have to pay for the site. looks good to me
  9. I have the highest bid. thats why my name is there, but not no more. someone else got it now.
  10. not taking people money yet. they have to test it. it should be a good site.
  11. can you get a new a1000 pump for 6-15 bucks on ebay? and its still new and testing
  12. loads right away for me
  13. ok its back up but some stuff its still not working right but it will be soon.
  14. there working on the site it will be back up asap
  15. just talk to them and they are having a few problems.
  16. the site will be back up and going about 2.30 today there working on it sarry for that
  17. heres a new site tell me what you think you can get cheep parts but there name brand parts theres alot of good races parts its new site look at it and tell me what you think http://www.pennies4parts.com/index.php
  18. http://www.gunlistings.org/ohio-gun-classifieds/mansfield/all/40620/one_of_a_kind_marlin_model_60_.22
  19. can you pm me or call me at 614-808-5867 mike thanks
  20. i would like Twilight-Super Troopers-Sex and the City First Season-Twilight New Moon-Blue Collar Comedy Tour-The Fast and the Furious-Swingers let me know thanks
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