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Everything posted by 990mike

  1. next year it will be better
  2. i would like to say thanks for the one that com out to mcir tonight it was nice seeing you all thanks agin 990mike from ohiodragracers.net
  3. Ok guys i just got off the phone with mark from marion. Oct 28th is our day! Bring your race cars, street cars, bikes, what ever you roll and show up at marion county dragway for some NO TIMES grudge racing. 6:00-11:00 Cost is 10 bucks, NO TECH!! You MUST put N/T on your car and listen for a lane number. They will be running regular T&T also. Should be around 15 cars from esc in middletown http://www.extremestreetcars.com/extremeforum/showthread.php?t=1974 http://www.extremestreetcars.com/extremeforum/showthread.php?t=2015 Around 5 from odra http://ohiodragracers.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=meetsandevents&thread=1765&page=1#10698
  4. i will take the seats let me know thanks mike
  5. thanks for comming down he loves it lol
  6. would you take 30 if so i can com get it call me at 614-808-5867 mike thanks
  7. 990mike

    MRT Shifter

    sarry it off a 04 mustang and the part number is 070-997-0158-RSH === ASSY#555-RSH-3650 Like i sead ive got pics text me at 614-808-5867 mike
  8. 990mike

    MRT Shifter

    hello ive got a MRT shifter for a 5 speed ford i can text pics its nice looking 75.00 o.b.o
  9. i dont think so lol i will get pics of mine
  10. im looking for a nuther Chainsaw let me know thanks 990mike
  11. were cal i look at them plazzzz let me know at 614-808-5867 thanks mike
  12. if no one byes it i will for the 150.00 let me know at 614-808-5867 mike
  13. if thy dont get them i will bye them let me know pm me
  14. just letting everyone know that its a grudge night tonight.
  15. 990mike

    July 30th MCIR

    stock suspension cars!
  16. 990mike

    July 30th MCIR

    Lets hop for no rain. if it dont rain it sounds like we should have some good cars there.
  17. 990mike

    July 30th MCIR

    We are running grudge at marion saturday night. Should be some nice cars this weekend.
  18. get with me lets talk 614-808-5867 mike
  19. I will try to make a post before a race to remind everyone.
  20. This is a normal thing through the whole season. i have posted in 4 or 5 post around here about our schedule. It not just cr it everybody. we have a lot of cr members and want to thank them. mark is trying real hard to get this track up to snuff but sit back and look at what he had to start with and where its at now. he has a deal in the works to get the track redone, but he cant get it done without people there. tell your friends etc. its only 10 bucks and we could fill the house easy. next race is the 30th...THANKS FOR SUPPORT! http://mcir.com/comingevents.php?subaction=showfull&id=1272466166&archive=&start_from=&ucat=33&
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