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Everything posted by Mongoose

  1. At least these cars will give us all something to point and laugh at on what may otherwise be a boring commute. I like Honda's but when I first saw the price on these Mugen Civics I couldn't help but laugh.
  2. Very nice looking build so far, good luck getting on the road man. Thanks for the progress updates.
  3. I believe innuendo was the word you were looking for...please play again.
  4. Hmmm, looks like I need to make a couple calls of my own.
  5. Gotta love insurance companies. Good luck with Progressive, I was a customer of theirs for about 5 years(over 2 different periods of time). I can say they treated me well for the most part. Ultimately though they lost my business when they sent me a letter which stated they were raising my rates by 11$ a month because of regional rate hikes. I have 0 points on my license, no tickets in the last 7 years, and only 1 accident which was over 6 years ago. They raised my rates out of the blue and it just did not sit well with me. Long story short, I called Nationwide and they quoted me 30$ less per month right off rip. My deductibles also went from 500$ to 250$ with the same coverage I was receiving from progressive. I guess the bottom line is that it never hurts to shop around.
  6. +1 For Tim Bailey from PDX Tuning, my car was tuned by him up at Buschur over a year ago now. I have since put on 8k trouble free miles. The tails look good too, I was glad to see you went ahead and painted them rather than going with the tint.
  7. If only black would stay clean, my STi is black and spends most of it's time in the garage, and yet somehow I still can't keep it as clean as I would like. Enjoy it while it lasts man, it is looking good!
  8. Damn this one had me cracking up, the ending is classic. Date: 2007-08-06, 4:28AM EDT when you got up in the morning and got dressed, you chose to wear an outfit that partly reveals your boobs. you have a mirror. you knew. i didn't force you to wear it. in fact, when you bought this item, you knew that you were going to wear it, in public, and it would be revealing your tits a little (or a lot). make no mistake, i applaud you for this. but what i'm getting at, is that we both know you were showing off your rack. don't lie, it's not very subtle. and don't pretend it's a fashion thing. it's a hooter thing. so when you buy the top, and wear it, in the summer, in public, and you're going to stand in front of me, guess what. I'm going to look at your boobs. first off, you should be flattered. i looked at them because they are nice. you should be upset if you were showing off your knockers and i didn't look at them. actually, them being nice is why i looked at them repeatedly. the first peek was more of an instinct. guy-instinct. we can't help it. after that, we just want to see as much of it as we can. to us, boobs are like the Godfather parts I and II. we can watch them over and over and never get tired of them. anyway, yea, i looked at your cans. a bunch of times, actually. now, i understand no one likes to be stared at. this is why i did in fact look around the rest of the metro to see if there was anything else interesting to look at. unfortunately there were no other hot babes, no bums, no cute babies, no one was wearing a Slayer reign in blood tour shirt. nothing. so i went back to your melons. sorry. it was a boring ride, and they were right in front of me. but i think you forget that i was nice enough to focus on your funbags, as opposed to alternating between them and trying to make eyecontact. now that would have been ungentlemen-like. i realise no one finds true love over a pair of jugs on the orange line. it's just not realistic. so i kept my head down, stood in a position as to be not overly obvious about my staring, made sure i didn't get a semi (i got real close once, but i handled it), and tried to be as polite about the situation as possible. so anyway, i just thought you should know my point of view on what happened. i am not a pervert. i was just a man on a metro. a man who saw something that pulled his mind out of the daily routine, and i held onto it dearly (not literally, ofcourse, though that would have been pretty sick). but as you can tell from this long posting, i do feel slightly bad about my behaviour. so to make up for it, i have decided, with pain in my heart, to release you from my spank bank. i think it is fair to say we are even now. i think i did see a hint of slight animal lust in your eyes when you gave me that annoyed look and got out of the metro. so if you are reading this, baby, i'd really like to take you on a trip... a motorboating trip. Location: mtl it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests PostingID: 390332730
  9. Hey LPFSTheFett, were you out at the Deupty race's at Trail's on the 7th? I'm guessing that was you and a friend of your's with the orange Z06. The cars sounded great and man they sure could move down the track, the top end looked really nice.
  10. 04-05 FTW lol, I'm actually gonna stop out at Buyer's this weekend to check out the 08's. I really want to see the finished version of the STI though, so far from what I have seen I actually kinda like the hatch (except for the tail lights).
  11. I don't doubt that for a second, hell just look at the 115 trap speed, on an AWD car like mine that would be good for a high 11 second quarter mile assuming a good launch and clean shifts.
  12. I find this funny because I am left handed and would prefer one paddle to upshift and one to downshift over the setup you described. Normally companies don't give a crap about left handed people and just make everything biased towards right handed people, which means us lefty's just have to get used to it.
  13. I just got done reading about the new LS3 powered C6 in Motortrend and damn was I impressed just by reading an article lol. They used a Z51 6 speed for the performance tests and posted a 12.5@115 quarter! The 0-100 was only 9.5 seconds and it pulled almost 1g on the skidpad with the lame run-flats. If I had the money for a weekend warrior this would seriously be a car for me to consider and I have never owned a domestic vehicle in 10 years of driving. Then again while I'm dreaming I suppose I might as well just get a Z06 .
  14. I will be there, along with quite a few of my co-workers (hopefully 10-20 cars), it should be a good time! I went last September and it was by far the best time I have had at Trail's, especially in recent years.
  15. Drop in the motor from an E46 M3 and sign me up, if only I had the money. Still a very rare car and anyone who has seen one in person (one that has been well maintained) can attest to how good these cars really look.
  16. That torque curve does look really nice, power seems to stay pretty strong in the upper rpm's too, good stuff.
  17. I first started going to trail's back in '99 and as much as I can remember the bikes have always gotten more passes. It doesn't help that on test and tune night's the track is usually shut down half the night because of all the people bringing thier junker's out there. Although I will say it was awesome to see the snowmobiles tearing shit up out there, I didn't mind that so much.
  18. Alright so I have never been to an autocross event but would like to start hanging around to get a feel for it. Do a lot of people show up just to spectate? If so I wouldn't mind swinging out for a couple hours on either of those day's just to check it out.
  19. Mongoose

    ASR Cruise In

    Sounds like this is going to be a good time, I will try to round up some friend's and come check it out.
  20. I hadn't heard anything on these for a while now, I was hoping someone had sent the idea to hell...
  21. Home made potato cannons are fun, some buddies and myself made one back when I was in highschool. Everything went well until the threads on the pvc got so warped from heat they finally gave way. It was kinda funny though one of my friend's fired it while holding it right in front of his face, the cap came of and all we saw was flames shoot around his head. It ended up busting his lip and burning his eyebrows, ahh good times.
  22. Very useful information indeed, good find. I guess this mean's they should raise the speed limit for us men since we have the experience already?
  23. Bumping this for my friend, I have been in this car several times and it pulls hard.
  24. ^lmao, it does seem kind of weird to identify yourself as an illegal.
  25. I hope this isnt a sign of thing's to come, I have no problem with legal immigration but we need to stand firm on illegal's. When you move to another country illegaly you should assume all the risk's associated with doing so.
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