It definetely sounds like you reacted well, it can be very hard to think straight once the adrenaline gets going. I can relate to some extent, I used to live up on campus and for whatever reason I never locked my door. One night I was sitting at my computer, it was around 3 in the morning, when I hear someone at my door. The next thing I know I hear the knob turning so I jump up and scramble for the door like a mad man. I see the door start to open, at this point I really wasn't sure what to expect, but it was all happening real fast.
I hit the door at full speed and it slammed shut almost instantly, I locked it as quickly as possible. I'm still not sure what the person was after, it could have been just some drunk bum for all I know. At the time however I was freaked the fuck out, needless to say I lock my doors now.
I'm glad to hear everyone is alright, and it sounds like you will be ready in the event that anything ever really does happen.