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Everything posted by Mongoose

  1. I thought that color looked familiar, should be good for another 50 whp or so lol .
  2. Damn that's quite a turn around on that convertible, good luck with the current project, it seems like you are on the right track.
  3. Mongoose


    I was pulled over by State Highway Patrol a couple weeks ago for having no front plate displayed at all. Luckily enough I got off for that, however I did manage to pick up an 86 dollar ticked for not wearing my seat belt. I believe the officer said the fine for not having a front plate is 105 bucks...which sucks.
  4. ^ I'm pretty sure I saw you out there on friday, every time your car passed by me I could feel the exhaust rumbling my entire body. Literally I could feel the vibration in the pavement, I knew that car meant business, congrat's on the 10.7.
  5. They seriously did not have thier shit together tonight. I did not get a slip for my first pass, the second pass didn't have my mph at the end of the 1/4, and the board's weren't working all night. It sucked having no idea what a majority of the people were running. Still I guess it could have been worse, oh well. Looks like it's time to try a different track for me.
  6. Wow you must really know me, thank's for putting me in my place. Anyways since I'm not adding anything to the thread I'm out.
  7. ^ You had better watch spreading your open minded view point, you are ruining this country(sarcasm).
  8. Wow, you conservative's/republican's, or whatever the fuck you would like to be called are so blinded by you're own pride it honestly makes me laugh. I don't get into politic's so I won't bother stating my point of view but so far sol740 is one of the few people that actually makes any sense. Sticks and stones may break my bones but word's can never hurt me... EDIT: I don't have a problem with most republican's/conservative's only the people so far right they have lost thier sight of reality. Mistakes have been made on both sides of the fence, you can't lay all the blame solely on liberal's.
  9. It definetely sounds like you reacted well, it can be very hard to think straight once the adrenaline gets going. I can relate to some extent, I used to live up on campus and for whatever reason I never locked my door. One night I was sitting at my computer, it was around 3 in the morning, when I hear someone at my door. The next thing I know I hear the knob turning so I jump up and scramble for the door like a mad man. I see the door start to open, at this point I really wasn't sure what to expect, but it was all happening real fast. I hit the door at full speed and it slammed shut almost instantly, I locked it as quickly as possible. I'm still not sure what the person was after, it could have been just some drunk bum for all I know. At the time however I was freaked the fuck out, needless to say I lock my doors now. I'm glad to hear everyone is alright, and it sounds like you will be ready in the event that anything ever really does happen.
  10. I'm glad to hear those are all easy fixes, a buddy of mine was going through something similar with his Camaro. One of the wires going to his coil was torn, fixed that and the car was still sputtering/popping a lot under full throttle. It turned out he had a cracked spark plug and as soon as it was replaced the car ran fine. Anyways, it's always nice when it turn's out to be something minor, congrat's.
  11. If you are buying the car for a daily then I would go with the Civic.
  12. Holy shit, that's gonna leave a mark.
  13. I just switched from Progressive to Nationwide. I had no problems with Progressive until they had to raise my rate's due an increase for the area I live in. I like to pay less for service's as time goes along, not more, especially since I have 0 points on my license and have never filed a claim. The increase was only 11 dollars a month but it bugged me for some reason. With Nationwide I save thirty dollars a month and my deductibles went down to 250 dollars, the coverage is comparable to what I had with progressive. Shop around as always, but in the end go with whatever reputable company can offer you the coverage you need at the best price.
  14. I do love the AWD for the winter, but sometimes you just want to do a big ass burnout, and for that I miss RWD.
  15. Nothing yet, as far as exterior appearance goes it looks completely stock, so it's not too exciting to look at. I guess it's kinda sad I've owned the car for coming up on two years now and have yet to snap a pic of it lol.
  16. Hey Linn, I've seen you at Trail's before I believe, that Deputy Day back in September. I must say you have the fastest stock LS1 powered car I have ever seen. To anyone wanting to race, I'll go 0-20 from a dig. Thanks for the welcome everybody.
  17. LMAO, I guess we just both have good taste. However mine is black, OBP ftw.
  18. As of right now, not a whole lot. I just have a 3" downpipe and I got it tuned by Tim Bailey of PDX Tuning up at Buschur Racing. I'm still not sure if I want to sink money into a new turbo setup or just say hell with it and keep it lightly modded. Honestly if I was going to build a car for big power I would have gone the route you did and got a Terminator. Sometimes I still regret my decision. I'll be adding some suspension mod's and maybe getting a cat back this spring, damn I love tax season.
  19. I just realized I have been registered for a while and have yet to really post or say what's up. Well, what's up. I just gotta say this site fucking rocks, I was starting to get tired of all these forums that require people to act "proper". I'm sure I'll see some of you at Trail's and maybe Norwalk this year, take it easy guys.
  20. Keep us posted on dates for dyno days! So far I have been tuned on Buschur's dyno and well, like all the others have said it is a "heartbreaker". I'd be interested to compare the two dyno's as I have read a post by David Buschur stating how much lower his dyno actually reads compared to your average dynojet. It was an amazing difference, right around 20% if I can remember correctly!
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