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Big Steve

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Posts posted by Big Steve

  1. I am listing this for my mom. It is Fridgedaire gallery series 26 cu.ft

    It is a side by side black in color.It has air filter and water filter. It is a year old and she is asking $1100.

    I do believe she paid like between $2-2600 for it.





  2. It makes perfect sense. God forbid we say anything in regards to black and were racist. There is black history month, martin luther king day. Do you see a white history month? My point is how can someone be racist for saying black hole? Let alone it being on a graduation card with planets on it and dealing with outer space. It would be different if there was marking or anything racist on the card. I'm in no way racists but lets talk about the ignorance of how a simple graduation card get's turned into a huge deal because it says black hole and a group of African Americans some how thinks it's demeaning to black women. It's a case where people need to grow the fuck up




  3. Some might feel that way. Fortunately many of the people that are active on this forum know me personally and generally have no issues with me.


    So are you saying I am not active? If so you are much confused young one! I have no issues with you. Obviously you inhaled something that made you annoying. You are almost past phil and paul

  4. im fucking sick of seeing threads about this hunk of shit. Now that i know its the same guy it makes me even hate him more than i did since he tried to pass an obvious fake as an original.


    That is how alot of people on here feel everytime you post anything! You are one annoying fuck!! :gtfo:

  5. Its funny how people have WAY better intro's and get flamed due to there hondas'. This guy has a sweet ass ride and a weak intro and you all swing from his nuts? You must know something is wrong if phil said hi! Look how gay he is :ninja:
  6. How am I doing that? Ask yourself why I would give a shit why I matter to any of you here that are 200 miles away. I came here for one reason, just to find good video links. I posted some good footage of a night out which turns into a "who has the biggest cock fight" like all typical tool-bags.


    WTF do you drive? A STI that doesn't make near the power of me or the Cobalt, that you did not, cannot build yourself? Die in a fire.




    You really need to quit. You are making yourself look really stupid. They just added that they would race you. You are the one who got butt hurt and snapped back because you are out-car'd and basically out man'd. Now you go burn in a fire!! :asshole:

  7. ;) I do collision reconstruction.


    Most of the damage is visual. I will have her up and running until she has the visual stuff taken care of. Car is fugly but nicely built. I take back my claims on chrysler!!

  8. Steve, take pictures of the street where the accident happened. Take lots pics of both cars, and be sure to get any skid marks on the street. We are going to go CSI on these bitches!


    J, I would suggest you stay away from the court.. you got warrants dawg.


    I got pictures of both cars. From the angle of how it happened there is no question. His rate of speed on a 25mph street had to be an estimated 40 judging from where the accident took place and where he came to a complete stop.

  9. The situation is complete bullshit. You can clearly see who was at fault. My nephew seen the whole thing. That cop needs to knocked down to traffic duty for a very very long time. The guy was in a hurry and the speed limit was not fast enough. She clearly was slowing down and even had her turn signal on. He tried to fly around her while she was pulling into the driveway. I have pictures of the aftermath and you can clearly see! What pisses me off is the cop would not listen to my nephew or my mom who was on the porch when it happened. He would listen to the guys wife and she was not even in the area when this occured! To be joking and laughing with them in front of the house is an insult! It took every ounce of me not to catch an assault case today I tell you!
  10. Wow, I am getting a good deal I guess. 2 HD DVR boxes 2 standard digital boxes, Internet, HBO/Showtime and Digital plus with all the HD channels and cartoon channels for $150+tax. That is with Steal-sight
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