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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. Big Steve

    What's up

    Blue GTO's are the best hands down. Hey ryan, you gonna run at the track?
  2. Well I am out for the 26th I will still be there though as a photo engineer.
  3. Stop crying. Just do not buy any hookers for a day :asshole:
  4. I just hope I hook up. If I do
  5. Here is the deal guys. The track will be 30 cars. The fee will be raised to $60 to cover the cost. If anybody has any conflicts that they cannot pay the extra 20 post up and I will see what I can do. However, we will let additional cars run if you are un-certain till the day of. Just make sure you let anthony, brian, or myself know about it!
  6. You are gay. Run that slow ass nova
  7. I vote that paul is wrong on everything
  8. I will call toby tomorrow. The original agreement was 60. I know I can lower it to 30 and get a better and lower rate. I will post this up later on today!
  9. This is open to all. You have close friends that wanna run lets do it!
  10. People always saying we need more track rentals. We have one and they dissappear. People would rather be dyno-queens then put there ride to the test? I have to say pretty FUCKIN WEAK!!!
  11. That would be awesome. I still cannot believe nobody has signed up? People said they wanted another track day. I set it up and nobody signs up.
  12. http://i112.photobucket.com/albums/n178/desertpikaki/Holiday/happy_birthday_to_you.jpg
  13. Josh I feel sorry for you. You are clueless. Everybody on here are tough guys. For your info do not quote magazines. 05-06 GTO's fully stock are capable of going into the 12's pretty easily. You fail again. So it is ok if you go to the corner and cry like a little bitch that you are. You are starting to annoy me!
  14. Granted the 04-06 gto's are pigs they do perform. Hell my 04 ran a 13.5 spinning and hopping. There are plenty of 9 sec gtos. There is one on here running mid 11's all motor. They do not under perform one bit. Would have been even more better if they dropped 300lbs on them though. If you do not believe line up with one
  15. So I was doing some digging and it seems that they are looking to bring the GTO back in more than one form. The Judge 427 may be included along with a V6 model. They are using the same motor found in the G8 GT so there may be 3 versions. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/2009GTO.jpg http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/gtogto427finalet8.jpg
  16. you sir are a fag :gtfo:
  17. Damn where did you find that?
  18. Thanks guys. Another getting older day!
  19. Shut-up whore. If there is a ton of cars yours will still be the slowest :gtfo:
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