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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. Does anybody know of a good Lawyer who deals with Landlord issues? I am having big-time issues and need a good lawyer!
  2. Paul I would have liked to see you run Randy's old Red SRT.
  3. Triple: Yeah I am on my cool wave today http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/bORED.jpg
  4. My money is on you! That goped is
  5. I will use my bra to flag you two
  6. What is funny is the guy said he is not racing on the street. The sooner all of you just say ok and back off the better. Trying to persuade him is a waste of time. There are alot of other elements that have to do with that also!
  7. The question is what is your price range for amps? I had 4 of those Infinity Ref. subs and you do not need barely any power to run them and make them bump!
  8. Wow, so you will stop making yourself look like a douche it was a 1.6 60ft on ET streets foot braking. So you fail again
  9. HI !! This thread is starting to become ghey!!
  10. Alot of people need to take note and be more positive like you. Sam I think he had his Mickeys (drag radials) on not sure. They can be classified as a street tire right? I myself was suprised he spun. All the times me and him raced while he was spraying he had traction so was a shocker!
  11. I think it is funny that people jump in and put there two cents in and not even have a clue what is going on here. Sam, street tires (no) 150 shot (no). You do realize that now you said that 15 other people will join in and swing from ur nuts and back-up everything you say!
  12. 20-120 and 40-120. I have went to 179 last summer when I snuck in Mojoes roll with a slow ass celica GT
  13. Sorry, I thought the world should know what your car does with small jets
  14. OH SNAP!!! That is the best part. Also a true statement ZING!!!! BTW: I should not say this but he had the small jets in also!
  15. I don't think so? Ask him, I am sure he will chime in here shortly. All I can say is that WS6 is strong as ****
  16. Gonna lose before track day I see!
  17. SPeaking of nasty sounding cars, a silver Cobra with black wheels just went down my moms street. Very aggressive sounding I like. Silvercobramike has a clone!
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