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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd68/drizzle30/kidslapped-1.gif http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/poop.gif
  2. I see a 50 roll for $20 in your future. Or post some pics of ur ride!
  3. Big Steve


    I could beat you on heelies
  4. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/HIlarious-4.gif
  5. On forth comes the cougar nation........................................... making $148k a year
  6. Big Steve


    I call forth the powers of Greyskull!!
  7. Big Steve


    Ur car is slow.
  8. My other half is on here now also so I am doomed
  9. Woman power, there goes the neighborhood!
  10. What goats are the new age f-body, you ain't heard! :woowoo:
  11. Another goat. Numbers are coming up in herrre! Welcome!
  12. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/nutcracker.gif
  13. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l88/spudinho/ani_welcome.gif
  14. http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa126/bobman76/gangster.jpg We gangster over here. Welcome
  15. Hal has man boobs and a pony tail http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/funny-1.gif
  16. TSW is like the preferred brand for goat owners 85% of the time. I would recommend the bushing upgrades. After the track last year and finally tryin to drive it now, I realized I created a long list of problems. Look into brembos also!
  17. Wait and buy. That would be the best option! Can put back alot more money that way. I am speaking from past experience. Making good money at your age and waiting will be a great reward in the future. I wish I would have done that!
  18. So have any plans for the goat?
  19. You are that bothered by another persons opinion?
  20. http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m8/abroussardbarnes/TheRealPhil.gif
  21. He told me $2k and drive it home. Leaving for air force in 1 month
  22. Yeah a waste of time, Fear the phantom
  23. Marry my brother? You my friend need Dr. Phil, or a 4 door
  24. You know if you ever need any help just give me a ring.
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