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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. They were beating on him? Wow, was he resisting, bad mouthing? Sorry to hear that.
  2. If it was that silver one very understandable. I think it is a slowmotion built civic. Low 11 sec civic I do believe.
  3. True story. The fish is in the tank but, they have the filter running.
  4. I had a shit load of races this weekend. (RX-7, WRX, SRT-4, Celica GT-S, Spec V) I also learned that my car does not like to roll under 45 .
  5. I have seen you around in the clintonville area. welcome
  6. We are not becoming Hillbillies. The guys were in the wrong for pissing on sams car. I would have done the same thing to the guy(maybe more drastic). Russ(GTO1) he is a really cool guy.
  7. http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s269/traumaxital/saleencobra.jpg Saleen Cobra. Best of both:D Either that or the "07" eleanor
  8. I need some of those so I can move my seat back
  9. She can see over the stearing wheel? How can she drive with no legs
  10. Hal, you do remind me of a pirate. Have a yellow wooden leg with a cobra carved in it. With a ford patch BTW: triple post homo's
  11. By the way the name is Big Steve
  12. There is no acting tough. Everybody is tough on the internet. I just stated facts. There is no scratches on my car yeah. I was in the wrong but it was one of those days. On the road for awhile. Everybody has one. For you to come out and tell me to say it to your face was not a good idea. I am the wrong person to do that to. When you go out like that you never, I repeat NEVER park that close to someones car. That is asking for trouble. Next time make sure you keep your space from anybodys car(s). That is just not cool. If you ask anyone I never have any trouble with anybody. I wanna keep it that way. I propose that when we are out I will keep to myself and you do the same. QS&L is a great spot and has potential of growing. I do not want to mess up any chances of that. Would be very selfish of me to do so. I actually like the way your car looks. Just not yellow(hal)
  13. Nice. I just want mine to say "sausage"
  14. Becki, I think I have seen you before.
  15. Tasha, doesn't your name have a meaning! Park close to my car and I have a belt for you!!
  16. As long as you do not leave any hair on it. We all know you jews are hairy BTW, I helped yours shine, no shine like an ass shine :nod:
  17. +1. Another goat and blue gotta love it!!
  18. http://www.customink.com/cink/r.jsp?E=big_steve_80@yahoo.com&F=crsecure1
  19. Got-cha. Now time to take that idea to a higher power(s) Or better yet. You going with my brother to QS&L?
  20. I like that. Do they have cut-off T's? That is nice. Works for me
  21. I know why would anybody do such a thing? Damn them to hell!! :jerkit:
  22. The guy just sent me a pm. He stated that I did not say what I said. He also told me I do a good job of talking shit on the internet. He told me to say it to his face. If I recall that was directed to the guy in the passanger side. He just focused all the energy to him. Someone please give him fair warning before I do. I never have trouble with anybody. Why would he wanna be the first to do so?
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