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Big Steve

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Everything posted by Big Steve

  1. I do not. I am taking all the steps to make sure I have no issues till I am old as hell.
  2. hey if that is what my son wants that is trump!
  3. im going to by a mach1 with twinturbos and smoke you
  4. Not anymore. I still have it for emergency. Pills!! Down to just the metformin now. Changed my diet and I think I have it under control for the time being. Summer is a bitch. too much heat, sweating very dangerous!
  5. iwill beat youuncle brian
  6. He used to run a what 4.3 40 yard dash. Pretty fast for a old timer
  7. hi waddup krsjncwl85428/* uncle brian play rainbow six vegas (kids are typing)
  8. http://www.uselessjunk.com/article_full.php?id=28502 Just put a towel on your head
  9. I am type 2. I found out in Jan, my sugar level was like 506 or 596 I cannot remember. I was like 20 mins from a coma. Seeing shit, could not stand straight, etc.. All bad!!
  10. Sleep! Who the hell needs sleep? Actually I cannot sleep and when I do I sleep for 12+ hours (thanks to diabetes)
  11. Me and you never got a clean run. The rolls we had, first side by side, second, yo took off I was off in lala land. This sat, me and you, SO you are number 2!!
  12. Shanton we never got our race. Sign me up for after you kill that Civic!
  13. She woke up in pain. I tell you what. FTW, tylenol rapid release are the shit!!!
  14. Big Steve

    new to forum

    Quick note. When you introduce yourself. Do no mention HID's. Now watch what happens!! Intro's say alot around here! BTW: 40 roll for $20!
  15. Big Steve

    new guy

    I would say therapy but would not help.
  16. Will be the last week I have the Goat. Who wants to go from a dig? Only a heavy as turd!! 1._______________________ 2._______________________ 3._______________________ 4._______________________ 5._______________________
  17. Superhawk, lets go from a dig. That will tell you where you stand!!
  18. She is dying to come over there!! I wanna go to uncle brians. All day long!
  19. Yeah that is where it was. They were not even there a couple minutes. Its a family curse. There is always someone over there with them. Thanks man!
  20. Tears. Had plenty of them with my baby girl! I was suprised also. She really got whacked with that swing. The first thing my daughter said was daddy do not let them touch me again. I told her they will not. She then said they cannot touch me anymore or my daddy will beat you up.
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