Do you really want me to go through every single one of your fuck ups on here? It would give me a good 34 posts if I quoted each different post you made and correct it. I never bashed on your grammar, so maybe you should go race your little toy cars on 270 around 4:00 PM tomorrow and be sure to stand out in the road with them
Quit being a lying, tool bag, fucking douche and grow up. You are 32 years old and have a family. Don't brag about money, from the looks of it, you don't have and stop saying "fucking tard." I could have a more intelligent/interesting argument with my fish. Do us all a favor, save us all time and keep Phil from post whoring......leave the fucking site. I just wasted 10 minutes of my life reading this stupid fucking thread that I could have been using to do something more productive, like taking a shit.
and someone correct me if i'm wrong but.....
.....that sounds kind of threatening.