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Everything posted by Trjackson

  1. C6Z FTW, need I say more? Jackson
  2. I thought Acura was an american car. Now hear me out. Honda came here to us to make cars. I realize Honda owns/is Acura, but I thought Acura was "invented" here? I mean Acura doesn't even exist in Japan does it? Like thier NSX was called the Honda NSX, not the Acura NSX. Does that make sense? Jackson
  3. They call that sharking. I do see the humor in it, however, it isn't a knee slapper. Jackson
  4. I have some regrets, but little about my car. I wish I would have done a few things differently(mod wise), I also wish I would have paid cash for it. Oh well, can't fix it now. Jackson
  5. That car looks great, odd swap, I guess it is time the ford boys chalk one up on their board. Jackson
  6. A local guy here in Marion buys his own personal cars from a salvage title place in Cleveland. In 2003 he bought a 2002 WRX with like 3k miles on it, it was fucking totalled beyond "repairable". He bought it for like 6K I think(not to mention it came with all the parts to fix it(side and rear clip)), like 4 months later he got it running, couldn't even tell. He also did the same thing with a 2004 cobra. I paid like 18K for it, this was in 2005. Both cars are in great shape, can't tell they were wrecked at all, and the both ride like any other Cobra or WRX I have ever driven/ridden in. It has worked for him. Jackson
  7. I guess at least he is alive, what a fucking moron though. Jeesh. Jackson
  8. God damn, 750whp on 7lbs. That is fucking rediculous. To both Brian and Jason, good luck with your builds. Jackson
  9. Personally, I think the black looks better. But how do you do it? Does one just rip it apart and paint it yourself, or buy a kit? Do what you do. Jackson
  10. I love the GTI! Very clean. Welcome. Jackson
  11. Your signature is fucking hilarous. Back on topic. Jackson
  12. Trjackson


    Awaiting pictures. Damnit, I got nosey too, I even looked at the link, yet I still clicked it! Btw, Welcome. Jackson
  13. APS offers GT35R's with their kits? I was under the impression there were much smaller turbos than that. Brian, I have no experience with any turbo kits for Corvettes, however I have done a little research on them(from when I was looking at getting a used C5 Z). I liked this kit. http://www.turbochargedpower.com/97-08%20Corvette.htm Here is the vid for the kit in question. Brian no matter what kit you decide you want, get it! Good luck with the build. Jackson
  14. Seems a little late for a recall, but I suppose better late than never! Jackson
  15. Holy thread bump batman. I just ran the numers on the fd the other day. I have 12.3k in mine. Shortly, I am going to swap out the 13b and go with a bigger engine that has torque! JUST KIDDING! I do have plans for it, but it won't be complete before this summer, oh well. Jackson
  16. Is this strickly limited to the 346? I mean the thread is intitled lsx, so nobody has a ls7 that is cammed and sprayed on stock bottom end in Columbus? Jackson
  17. When are you going to korea? Are you coming back with the car, or is the stay more of a permenant situation? Jackson
  18. This coming from the guy who isn't going to be bringing his FORD? HAHAHA. Like Hal, I too will be there, but only as a spectator. Jackson
  19. Nice truck, it seems overdone, IMHO. Welcome. Jackson
  20. By some chance is that Rookie84's car? Nice job getting it to smooth out! Good numbers too! Jackson
  21. Sarcasm/you owned me, ok? Haha. Initially, when I read your post, I am like, this guy has got to be kidding me. HAHAHA. Jackson
  22. Seems like a fair deal to me. Granted, I am not that big into "old muscle", but I have never even heard of the scamp. Jackson
  23. Price seems high, but the fucker looks good! Jackson
  24. I didn't notice any gains with any car I had them on. Granted, I have never done a before and after dyno. I only noticed car was louder, Isn't rule of thumb, if the car gets louder, it is making more power. HAHAHAHA. I know I noticed more of a gain, changing out the ruber/plastic intake pipe that is factory on almost all cars, and replaced it with a metal pipe(intercooler piping). Jackson
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