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Red Beard

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Everything posted by Red Beard

  1. how flexible is the price?
  2. possibly nws but not sure, anyway this is for all you demented little people who need something to pass the time.... http://www.joecartoon.com/cartoons/142-joe_fish MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE LIVE BUTTON!!!! enjoy.
  3. is it a stock t-5? how many miles?
  4. +1 shorter belt, or i think jegs has an el-cheepo replacement arm and a standard pully for $25
  5. hey, my brother just bought this car and like a dumbass he ran the piss out of it with no oil. now the motor is nocking really bad, so now i need to find another motor. i need something doesnt need rebuilt, or torn down, needs to be able to be dropped directly in and be done with it. was looking for something with mileage around what it has currently, 90,000, if not less. dont exactly have anything in particular in mind just something that runs, would be cool to get a turbo though, if you have anything let me know, all offers considered. thanks
  6. I wish i were the camera man.:pics:SAY CHEESE!!!:pics:
  7. ahh if only it were true...... http://www.break.com/index/what_i_learned_from_porn.html
  8. its a bit of a strech, but sometimes you can use pb blast on it too. that shit will eat through anything like that, but watch out for your paint and especially your plastics.
  9. how trashed is it, and how much would you be asking for it?
  10. you're an :asshole: and you're comment is really out of line and :offtopic: just let the man sell his car at what ever price he wishes. Bump for a good looking, late modle audi
  11. I would like to see pics of the uni wheels joe_pyles@yahoo.com thanks
  12. I have a 1990 f150 that looking to swap my aod with a five speed, problem is i want something that I can harp on a little more than a stock gearbox. I'm running a 1995 302 h/o. Im looking for anyone who can help me out with a decent gearbox and set up. if you think you have what I need just let me know, no offer will be looked down. also If you're interested in a smooth aod transmision from a 1990 f150, let me know.
  13. :grin2: I'd still give my left nut to own either one :grin2:
  14. andy will make that truck look like new, he truely is a wizzard
  15. I was looking to get about 300-350 for the whole thing. I dont have a trailor though and there are some parts already missing or have been removed and not reinstalled i.e. driverside front fender, steering box, rear bumper, front grill headlights, radiator, etc. price is negotiable let me know
  16. i wanna know waht they're spraying.
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